nice one Boab........looks just like mine :)
I'm off mine now till the new year till it gets warmer, missis got me doing painting and decorating and house jobs :(
nice one Boab........looks just like mine :)
I'm off mine now till the new year till it gets warmer, missis got me doing painting and decorating and house jobs :(

I am off mine until jan now as well may get a few hours now n then but really waiting for some spare cash to buy some new shiny bits it fekkin royal

Bin too hot to work on landy past few weeks .

Started on it again today.....welding (of course)

......... and now it’s fekkin raining !!!!!

*Grumpy mode on* . :(
loads !!!..........all the offside stuff to all suspension, rear axle stuff . blah blah blah


was welding the n/s rear quarter to wheel arch today, except rain stopped play !!
Back on it tomorrow. Will upload piccies once its welded.
Bit worried with mine - I chopped out the outside of shock mount point and also chopped out top or rail and that tubular cross member support trapeze shape. I'm now wondering if I've risked knocking out alignment after reading project rusty...
i saw yer piccies. yer chassis will be tidy once you've welded in the plates. as far as i can remember, that tubular bit is welded onto a plate, onto the chassis, at the rear of the trapeze shape, so all should be ok
It is yes and so is the cross tube turbine thing so I don't see how it could move but chassis repair is all new to me. There's a few threads here that really help including yours and project rusty and also a thread that I think has come to a halt! Reading ref your welder earlier - I have same one. I use .8 wire and will be maxing out on chassis power wise. I'm fine with the thin but will practice a bit more on thick. Kept sections I chopped to practice welding new to old. Yours has come a he'll of a long way. Awesome to see all the dirty buts turning red.
welded the rear quarter to the wheel arch......
view from inside.....


didn't get to take outside pic........

got a call to say mum got admitted to hospital.

Quick shove of everything away in to hospital, shes ok in herself, but has a knackered aorta valve. ...and the one below :(

loadsa tests due next few days, and looks like they might replace the aorta valve by going in through the groin, but all depends if the lower valve will be able to take the pressure. fingers crossed .

........ and bugger me, while we were there pi$$ed down.........I guess all over my nice shiny welding.
But it brought a smile to myself as i thought 'CNUT' !!!!
Been to check new welded bits from yesterday and it appears the rain didn’t get as far as the Disco. So yesterdays profanity at the ‘Big Man’ was a bit heavy ........ though still a **** for putting mum through it. !!

Just reading this thread to give me inspiration to start my D1, I think I might have now been put off doing it lol.

Join the d1 conservation society. Spend all your spare on metal and cutting disks and shower in weld spatter. I do not believe any d1s that were not treated after purchase and haven't see a welder are rust free. Every thread of a d1 resto has same parts rotted!
Welding the c pillar ....

Do I weld the wheel arch thing (black) to the wheel arch (red) first and then extend the c pillar onto the black or do I extend the pillar onto the wheel arch and weld the black part later, which will involve cutting it.
I did most of my pillar with old arch still attached. I then chopped it off and mated up new to it. I don't really get the question but don't think it matters as long as your straight. Make sure you come outwards enough if that makes sense - check other side of car and you'll get an stick out measurement. My arch bit lined up perfectly with new pillar

So I weld the pillar to the black pained bit as marked in yellow.

Do I then butt weld the black bit to the red bit as marked in blue.

Or rather butt weld first and then weld pillar.

Is the hole in black bit for draining ?


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