@The Mad Hat Man

I hate.you ......

Look wot you made me doooo .......

Bit of stainless arrived today......

Some bending and drilling later ....


I suppose I could have made it half as wide as the original size .... D’oh
Might cut it in half tomorrow, and use it to replace the o/s one.

Why does the original bracket have a flat bit in the circle ?
Yeah, been crap.

Probably just potch about a bit now till after Christmas.

Looking to get front castor arm off sometime to get bushes changed.......if we ever get a dry spell !!
Nice bit of bling there Chris :)

Weather has been pants hasn't it :(

I'm now out of cash and weather is nasty lol. I have metal and paint though so when I get a sunny weekend I hope to get on mine!!

Nice attention to detail here. I like tidy thought about finishing touches
I'm now out of cash and weather is nasty lol. I have metal and paint though so when I get a sunny weekend I hope to get on mine!!

Nice attention to detail here. I like tidy thought about finishing touches

I have a baby that likes to sleep and sleeps lighter than a bloody feather. :oops:

I'd like to get out there and get the tent thing erected but every time I want to it pizzes rain, or I'm on baby duty :rolleyes:
Well, back at it today......
Finally got n/s front castor arm off.
Almost got shock and spring off, but bottom bolt kept turning. Back hurting too much to improvise. ...... another day.


Down to my friendly garage to get bushes pressed out tomorrow.
Well, back at it today......
Finally got n/s front castor arm off.
Almost got shock and spring off, but bottom bolt kept turning. Back hurting too much to improvise. ...... another day.

View attachment 177391

Down to my friendly garage to get bushes pressed out tomorrow.

Hope they are cheap or accept bickies ;)

I just drill the rubbers out and knock the centres through and get me hacksaw out to slice to outer bush race through and then drift it out.

I got some Super Pro pollies to fit when I get round to doing them lol

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