
New Member
hi again you may have read my post about door locks a few mins ago anyway put lock back in as got to collet kids from school and wind blew the door shut and now cannot open thew door from in or outside handle anyn ideas how can get in to it door card is still of by the way and all cables rods are re connected???? pls help
thing is was opening fine befor manually just did not work of the remote could i have put something back wrong maybe ???
is it not possible to cut the keep part of the lock that attached to the car or is this harder than smashing the lock to pieces
I had similar problem. On here i think was instructions on how to open the door if youre lucky. wind down the window, use a torch and look through the gap at the lock mech. on mine the interior cable conection ( white and at the top i think) wasnt returning all the way, what i did was push the cable/ arm fully back with a 2ft bar/screwdriver. my door could then be opened .Lots of wd40 and its been ok up to now. may be i was just lucky but its worth a try. phil.....
thanks mate will give it a go and hopefully get it sorted got to new locks coming any way aswell just incase thanks

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