L90 TD5

New Member
Ok, Ive just seen the shower of Sh*te enter the big brother house.

So, If I were to buy/make a Land Rover based vehicle to penetrate the walls of the house + erm....get rid of the people inside if you will, which Land rover do you think would be the best vehicle for the job??

I was thinking

1) A v8 lightweight dropped from a C-130 to land on someone...I mean, get rid of one sunbathing to start with!!! Then go from there. Or..

2) Im thinking some sort of Forward control 101 ?!?!?!?!?

Lets hear it. I fancy a laugh :D
no! Dont worry, the Landy, which ever model or hybrid made would make it out :)

Who would be there to stop it???
Well indeed.

I was at a friends tonight and having never watched BB I though that by watching the first show would set me up for the rest of it. I will now know who "Shabaz" and "Bona" are for example when its headline news that they were evicted!

I think its terrible, why would you want to sit and watch those people living for the next couple of months...

One or two of the girls might be fun for a few hours.
if there is one subject that should be banned from not only this forum but from the whole planet its has to BB..most of us ,yes even me, have better things to do that partake of that crap. i come here for a bit of **** taking and the odd bit of advice. what possible reason could there be for havin BB on here. ..
if you do want to get rid of them then why not take them to iraq and drop them off somewhere with 'i love george bush' t shirts on.
**** me Disco you've got friends that make you watch that ****e. What are your enemies like.

One or two of the girls might be fun for an hour or so while you cut the top off their heads and play hunt the brain cell.

And as for dropping them on Iraq, what have the Iraqis' done to deserve that? Send the brain dead dickwads to America where the ****e came from along with the ****wits that put them on telly.
Personally I'd rather peel my head then stick it in a bucket of road salt rather than watch that ****e. TV for morons is what BB is.

Regards WP.
I reckon the thing to do is sneak into the BB house and viciously "off" one of the contestants. It doesn't matter who it is that you "off", just kill the first one you get hold of. Leave the body in a bloody mess in the garden with a note attached sayin "The next one to do that gets the same".

They won't know what offence the victim has caused so they will all behave impeccably. A couple of nights later, sneak in and do the same again - randomly. This time leave a note that says "You were warned. Who wants to be next"

Should make interesting viewing.

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