I do appreciate that but so long as the forum is not harmed I remain happy to let this run as is.
It is interesting to note that to date No Fear, Gwent 4x4, tynwald66, Jodie2112 and all their other incarnations have not seen fit to protest or prove their innocence.............
Sounds like a right robbing bastid! Who needs a good kick in balls to me!!

Couldn't agree more, but would hate to see somebody get themselves in the **** in the process due to slander or whatever, ;);) The way the courts work at times its the victim thats ends up worse off :eek::eek::rulez::rolleyes:
I do appreciate that but as a point of interest how does quoting what others are saying on other forums put me, or this site, at risk? It is recorded as a quote in quotation marks.

To be fair i hadn't noticed you were quoting another site, (the link to the thread doesn't work for me BTW), despite that you still need to be careful when posting stuff like that. Just because it's been published on another site doesn't mean it's ok to post it verbatim here, because you may be repeating a libel.

Also, under uk libel law you could say something that was actually true, and it can still count as defamation. Say you sold goods to someone and they paid you with a rubber cheque, so you publish their name on a public forum used by other people who deal with them to name and shame them.

Now no one will deal with them because they think they are bad payers, (probably correctly), they could however claim defamation because what you said, even though correct, damaged their business. the same could apply to saying you've had a bad experience with a company, been sold duff goods, ripped off etc. it's a bit of a grey area.

I'm not saying that's right, it's just how it is, and like Storm I'm not having a go, just pointing out that you need to be careful in what you say, best to stick to your own experience that you know to be correct, not repeat hearsay from others.

That said, it looks like this guy would be busier than Ryan Giggs if he decided to sue everyone having a pop at him on the internet, so i wouldn't lose too much sleep over it.
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Ok - hopefully nothing litiginous here, just to state that apparently No Fear, Gwent 4x4, Land Rover Breakers etc etc etc appear to be on the move from Chepstow and heading over to the other side of the Severn to either Lydney, Avonmouth or elsewhere. You have been warned..........:mad:
Having had this company drawn to my attention by a member of this forum, subsequently they have now been blacklisted on Macks 4x4 info – www.macks4x4info.com

Thanks for the ‘heads up’ by the way. By sticking together we are more likely to rid ourselves of parasites such as No Fear 4x4 / Gwent 4x4 … or whatever else they are calling themselves these days.
Well done Macks - it is good to see someone with some integrity out there. I wonder if the various magazines who took adverts from these clowns and even gave them editorial publicity ever got paid??? Maybe they will regret not standig up to them now..........
Below from Findabreaker.com - I make no further comment and am only passing on the thoughts of others!!!

"I have paid a very small deposit on a part that sounds ideal, for a good price..
I was going to get them to deliver, but after having read all this I will go and collect at the end of the month.... starting to wonder if there will be anyone there! I have Edward Fears home address, so I suppose the worst that can happen is I lose the deposit and the cost of the fuel to get there...
Also wondering if the part is from a less-than-honest source now...

Reply Quote

22 hours, 18 minutes ago Re: NO Fear 4x4 #108

Eds own landrover is built on a stolen chassis...mmmmm....fact


Keep spreading the word as Lisa Minnelli sang.............
Is this thread never ending?
Wow what popular people they are.
Maybe we should all get together & visit them!!:D
Apparently Colford police are interested and doing something so give them all possible info please for everyone's sake!!!!

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