
New Member
Hi, I am new to the group, and not sure if I should post this here or in General as I really wanted to warn people before they started to look in the ‘Stolen Group Section’
We just discovered there were another 4 luxury cars stolen in our local area in the last couple of weeks, I think an awful lot of people are not fully aware of how easily keyless entry cars are being stolen, the situation is getting out of hand, I was informed the police do not really have the resources to tackle it and the car manufacturers are just sitting back and waiting knowing that the insurers will settle up. I think the owners of these cars need to be warned so the can take precautions, there are many ways to protect and even a five pound Faraday wallet (Amazon) works and would have prevented our car theft and subsequent ruined holiday.
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heard of some D4 owners watching there’s getting nicked in 20 x seconds, there’s now reports of a dealer update that can be done
Fortunately no keyless start on Defenders. But many modern cars are stolen by cloning the keyless entry/start remote.
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OP - I feel for you :( .... from a personal perspective it's just another good reason not to have a modern car
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see another D4 ref JP16 was stolen from sevenoaks last week , inc theft of defender bonnets

heard some disco D4 owners doing things ref theft but of course i wouldn’t like to advertise it on an open forum

with all the aggravation of the ins company , being without a vehicle and then seeking another one

wonder how many they actually catch and how many are recovered
The problem isn't just down to the vehicle and it's manufacturer. It doesn't help when so many companies manufacture kit to make keys. Some limit this so you need a working key to make another. Others remove this step and will allow you to add a key without a working one. Makes it too easy for criminals.
Cool :) - though why the hell do BBS have to finish LR's job :rolleyes: :mad::mad::mad::mad:

IMHO, It would be nice to see a class action against LR for their "oversight*" o_O.

( * - I'm being polite - insert a more appropriate word of your choice :eek: )

couldnt agree more , makes them as easy to steal as a fender

land rover should have dealt this up a long time ago, they could of easily designed something like this, seeing these units are only around £100

never know with one of these fitted it may reduce the ins premiums , land rover need to resolve this issue to make there vehicles more secure
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couldnt agree more , makes them as easy to steal as a fender

land rover should have dealt this up a long time ago, they could of easily designed something like this, seeing these units are only around £100

never know with one of these fitted it may reduce the ins premiums , land rover need to resolve this issue to make there vehicles more secure
How is it LR fault? It seems all the new cars with key less entry have the SAME problem. People want high tech stuff and this is what happens. Manufacture is just supplying what the consumer wants. Look at credit cards at how easy they are to hack.
How is it LR fault? It seems all the new cars with key less entry have the SAME problem. People want high tech stuff and this is what happens. Manufacture is just supplying what the consumer wants. Look at credit cards at how easy they are to hack.

because i would expect them to make their vehicles secure by keeping up with security threats

how would u feel if u spent 50-60k on a brand new land rover and see it being stolen within 20 x seconds ,

same way door locks and alarms have been updated , as they put more and more technology into cars i would expect the security to also be brought into the 21st century

if it carries on it has surely got to affect insurance premiums

i’m not saying this aftermarket box could ever stop a determined thief but is a good start
because i would expect them to make their vehicles secure by keeping up with security threats

how would u feel if u spent 50-60k on a brand new land rover and see it being stolen within 20 x seconds ,

same way door locks and alarms have been updated , as they put more and more technology into cars i would expect the security to also be brought into the 21st century

if it carries on it has surely got to affect insurance premiums
It is not just LR with the problem, couple weeks ago BBC showed a Mercedes getting stolen in under a minute. showed the devices used and the 2 guys who took it. The law needs to not allow those devices to be sold in the first place.
because i would expect them to make their vehicles secure by keeping up with security threats

how would u feel if u spent 50-60k on a brand new land rover and see it being stolen within 20 x seconds ,

same way door locks and alarms have been updated , as they put more and more technology into cars i would expect the security to also be brought into the 21st century

if it carries on it has surely got to affect insurance premiums

i’m not saying this aftermarket box could ever stop a determined thief but is a good start
How about the law getting tough on car thief's, and make that offence be a long jail sentence? What is the chance of a car thief getting caught there in the UK?
It is not just LR with the problem, couple weeks ago BBC showed a Mercedes getting stolen in under a minute. showed the devices used and the 2 guys who took it. The law needs to not allow those devices to be sold in the first place.

agreed it’s not just land rover and imagine clever thieves can just make this units up at home with electronic skills and not having to buy them via the internet
How about the law getting tough on car thief's, and make that offence be a long jail sentence? What is the chance of a car thief getting caught there in the UK?

i would assume they are on a shipping container within hours and alas it’s actually catching them in the act

i like the idea of bait cars

if they upgraded there security it would then at least slow thieves down, i know i wouldn’t ever buy a keyless car unless it had one of these boxes fitted and a tracker as a bare minimum

may i ask is there the same issue with keyless cars in the states plse

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