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As the title says some people might say was the point but I like my music so I've had a few ideas a will share and also where are people mounting speackers and what would people recommend for cheap/good quality the stereo I'm going to use is a Kenwood kcr-779r

Well idea 1 is get the speacker surround out of a disco 1 as there the place to mount a speacker and as it has defender doors with windup window (don't ask) moun the surround and speacker fair enough I might I might have to cut the door card but wire the speacker in job done
I've got a stereo in the 109. The 80's period Shaisho is mounted below the parcel shelf to the right of the gear knob so it doesn't crush my fingers.
The speakers are mounted above the front seat belt top mounts and are directional boxes, I would be very surprised if you could mount a speaker in a door card, there is simply not enough room between the 'card' and the tin, also I would doubt that you would be able to hear anything.
My stereo gets used when fixing the car or when driving slowly in town, on the open road, forget it, even where it is. Long distance I use my phone on spotify or audible and a pair of proper headphones!
You won't hear speakers in the doors, even if theres enough room. Small, 50w speakers mounted in squares of wood/mdf will fit into the dash either side of the stereo, and will be audible because they are pointing in your direction.
A rather neat solution is a stereo mounted in a cubby box in place of the front middle seat - pointing upwards of course. It needs a bit more wiring, but it's hidden from prying eyes and condensation/leaks.
I mounted mine under the dash. with speakers in the cubby box and nxt to the rear seats.
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