
Well-Known Member
Hi again

Just realised that I dont have a tow rope in the new Landy. My old one had one my Dad gave me 20 years ago and I cant remember what it was. The guys on our old yard used chains not ropes but they were mainly using tractors.

And no, I dont intend to go off roading :D I just need something to pull things out occasionally. I dont want one of those from the motorist shops which break as soon as you start pulling.

What sort is best and exactly what should I ask for, and where would I buy it from. It needs to be specific, every time I go somewhere without knowing exactly what I want, they ask questions I cant answer :eek::eek:

Thank you

Oh and the most I would want to pull would be about 2.5 tonnes
This 5T tow rope ( expensive but decent quality) & a couple of rated shackles should do ok. Personally I always carry a 5 ton rope, 2x 3.5 ton shackles and a smaller D shackle to fit normal car towing eyes.
Thank you

I have followed the link, can anyone tell me what a Kinetic rope is used for. The ad says the rope can only be used for rolling loads and not recovery. Sometimes what I tow isn't rolling, it might be slightly stuck. Nothing like the pics on here of course :D

Is the Kinetic rope just stronger or for a specific purpose.
A normal rope always has a small amount of "give" in it and will more than likely be ok for you. What are you intending to tow/recover?

As for kinetic rope's, they are mainly used for snatch recovery and are not for the faint hearted or for cars that are not 100% solid. IMO they should only used after instruction from someone who is competent in how to use them. Not used them personally but plenty on here can/will no doubt provide a lot more info on them.
Thank you, I agree, I just searched it on google.

That isn't what I want to do at all :eek:

Some interesting videos also came up, bet those guys dont live long.

The rope you originally suggested will be great. I shouldn't get distracted by ads.
Thank you, I agree, I just searched it on google.

That isn't what I want to do at all :eek:

Some interesting videos also came up, bet those guys dont live long.

The rope you originally suggested will be great. I shouldn't get distracted by ads.

I know, scary stuff :eek: "all the gear no idea" spring's to mind.

If you buy a rope, make sure you wash it out should it get muddy and it'll last for years;)
i got 50 metres of 35mm thick natural hemp rope in me dry shed wich i use ocasionaly but most the time its used on me barrow hoist wich it was originaly bought for and wouldnt trade it for the world :D:D:D
I use military tow straps. Ive had them for over 10 years and they were second hand then. Ive never had one fail
I use military tow straps. Ive had them for over 10 years and they were second hand then. Ive never had one fail

Strap rating's, length etc. and possible suppliers may well be useful to OP and future viewer's of this thread......
Strap rating's, length etc. and possible suppliers may well be useful to OP and future viewer's of this thread......

No idea of rating. all labels disappeared years ago (that if there ever were any, as they are ex mod)

I have various lengths from 3 meters up to 10. they are about 3-4 inches wide so they are pretty substantial.
Strap rating's, length etc. and possible suppliers may well be useful to OP and future viewer's of this thread......

Thank you :D

Yes I'm afraid I dont have much idea but I am learning.

The sort of thing I might need to use it for, based on the last few times:

1) Ifor 510 Horse Trailer. I pushed it onto a part of my garden with a chipping surface when the ground was dry, jacked the front end up to turn it sideways etc etc. Few weeks later it rained and it sank a bit. I then couldn't push it out or get the car in to hitch it up. Had to attach a rope and pull it far enough out to get it on the car.

2) Pulled a mini out of a wood after he tried a bit of unplanned offroading :D :D

3) Tying to a corner post of a fence to tension the wire.

All really exciting stuff :eek::eek:
in the past ive found lifting slings verry good for the odd recovery but make sure you know your colour codes and capabilities

hope someone finds this chart usefull as it was drilled into us on a heavy lifting course at my old works

My 'standard' towrope is a green circular lifting strop, 3m diameter which is just about right for basic towing, pulling etc, and recovery when i double it up!

I also have another green and a yellow one, both maybe 6m, I also have a 34mm 'proper' rope 10m long that's used when I'm really stuck and want some give .. ;)
If its the army strops that you get when you sign for a landy, then there rated at 7T Black strop. Red sleeve There is a SWL tag on the yellow end.
ive been carrying a bit of half inch blue poly rope for years..... pulled a little car out the ditch the other week and managed to snap it, looks like its aged and weakened over the years.... must be twenty years old ... probably time i found a newer bit.

once towed a series 3 lwb station wagon on tarmac with a long length of chainsaw starter cord that was all we had, cant now remember how many times it was "doubled " up, but it got the guy home.
I got two or three lifting straps I've "salvaged" from various sites over the years of various lengths, and a couple of big chunky D shackles I "recycled"

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