Just done 400+ miles Essex and back to collect a Rayburn in trailer >450kg.
Trundled along at 55-60 quite happily as its M4/M25/A12 most of the way.
Go any faster and you join the Q in front!!
My old thread from 2012 lol

The 90 was sold in 2014 and l now drive a 110 TD5.
Going back to my original question l would say that 65mph is the optimum speed on the motorway in my TD5.
It will happily sit at higher speeds (it's remapped) but l don't think it's the way to go in a Defender 110.
Just been to Scotland and back at 60-65mph, sat in the slow lane letting the world go by.

One thing l have noticed, is that since it was remapped it is quieter at motorway speeds! How is that possible? Well, previously at around 65mph there was a fairly tiring droning noise.
Now it will hold that speed with less throttle input and the droning is not there.
I think its because the turbo waste gate is shut as the boost pressure will be higher, the turbo has a silencing effect and the waste gate opening makes the motor louder.
So at say 60 mph it might have been making 16 psi boost with the waste hate opening slightly. Now it might be set for 20 psi so at the same 16 psi the waste gate is fully shut
Our Defender will do over 90mph flat out. I tried it once and got to 90 and it was still wanting to go a bit faster.
Obviously this is not the way to drive the vehicle. My wife drives at about 60 on the motorway and I think I'll peg it at 65 if it gives me an extra 50 miles from a tank.

my soft top 90 with a 200tdi did a flat out 87mph on a long straight private road, but my god it was mechanically unsymapthetic, and i thought the roof was going to rip off. Also my ears were ringing for hours after.
public roads i do about 60mph on motorways, but to be honest i often avoid the motorwats and take backroads and a roads in the fender
My 110 now has a 200tdi, disco box and 750 tyres.
Normally I do a 25 Mile journey, with ,18 road junctions enroute, single lane with passing places or two way road. I get 33mpg.
In the direction I travel from here is not towards London, but up north so it's over 160 miles to a motor way or 130 before hitting the A1 for continuous dual carriageway. On the A roads I do 50-60, on the dual carriageway i try to stick to 65 but i get bored and then drift up to what ever the traffic is doing. Then the MPG drops to about 26mpg.
Just done 400+ miles Essex and back to collect a Rayburn in trailer >450kg.
Trundled along at 55-60 quite happily as its M4/M25/A12 most of the way.
Go any faster and you join the Q in front!!
How much for the Rayburn ... assuming that it's a proper one with three ovens? ;););)
I actually found that once you get to 80mph in a 110 TD5 (where legal) the door seals start to give up at the top and noise levels increase a fair bit.
At 65-70mph my 110 is quiet enough for normal conversation. It does have a few items of extra soundproofing.....underbonnet, rubber mats over the carpets, seat boxes and rear wheel arches under the seats.
I was never the speed type of driver, so 50 mph and not any more than this on our 300Tdi 90, one of the many reasons I bought a Landy to go nice and slow :)
in a couple of weeks I'm doing 300 miles down to Newquay in my 200tdi 90 with the kids and the caravan.... Not looking forward to the fuel bill to be honest but if i do make it down there then theres always that chance i may get a free lift up home on the back of an AA wagon...... hopefully not

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