
Active Member
Ok, I have resigned myself to the fact that I don't have any time or enough skill to complete my project.

I have been looking online and there are plenty of companies that offer to source you a vehicle and create you a custom/bespoke defender... Does anyone know of any that would take on a part project or at least use it for part of a custom build? And if there is, would anyone reccomend one?

Seems a bit of a minefield
what sort of money are u looking at paying?? mine to date owes me about £15,000 doing all the work myself, if i factored in paying someone else to build it then it would be crazy... prater etc all do custom work but churn out the end product with a £30 -£70k price tag, be an idea to give a ball park of what your thinking of and what your idea of custom is as you may get better recomendations??

cheers steve
What about Aaron?? Depending what u need doing... His works superb...

Cheers, Nice to know people like my work :)

defo Try this guy
i have seen his work the boy has mad skills
crap at making tea though :D

Yuk, Tea :puke: :p

Anyway to the op (Mordzy), I wouldn't usually reply to these but seen as others have put my name up...
But as said, What is your definition of custom? Depending what you're after I may be able to help.
Pm me if you wish.

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