george man

Active Member
Hi guys

My friends and I are planning a trip from Devon to the outer hebrides in a 200tdi and td5 defender and I just wondered if anyone had any tips or mods to make motorway miles more bearable in a defender?

I look forward to your thoughts

Cheers in advance

Hi guys

My friends and I are planning a trip from Devon to the outer hebrides in a 200tdi and td5 defender and I just wondered if anyone had any tips or mods to make motorway miles more bearable in a defender?

I look forward to your thoughts

Cheers in advance

Patience, regular stops, take it easy. Its a lot more pleasurable taking it easy and not rushing and if you religiously stop for 15 mins every 2 hours you would be surprised how little time you lose but how much more refreshed you are at the other end.
Lower revs, less noise, less stress... just get behind a lorry and chill out ..
Yeah, music and a sense of humour .. ;)

Sound proofing, especially in the 200, road tyres, lazier gearing if your motor can pull it, and as said, don't make it a charge, give yourself time and enough rest stops.
Good soundproofed Defender and a pair of ear plugs, unless you are like me and enjoy the sound of the 200 tdi. I have done the South of France to the UK and back and France through Spain to Morocco and back.
My Defender is Standard, No Disco transferbox, it will hold 70 mph all day. I actually found the seats quiet comfortable.
Enjoy your trip.
Soundproofing, wind deflectors and working vents if you don't have aircon, better seats, secondary fuel tank, make sure the steering box is in good order. We did 12 hours straight driving in my 90 last year and it was actually ok.
Hi guys

My friends and I are planning a trip from Devon to the outer hebrides in a 200tdi and td5 defender and I just wondered if anyone had any tips or mods to make motorway miles more bearable in a defender?

I look forward to your thoughts

Cheers in advance

What's wrong with the vehicles?

If they are stock with interiors they are fine. And you could spank £10,000 and not really alter them. The best mod would be to go in a Discovery 1 or Discovery 2. They address the fundamental flaws that cause a Defender to be less refined.
What's wrong with the vehicles?

If they are stock with interiors they are fine. And you could spank £10,000 and not really alter them. The best mod would be to go in a Discovery 1 or Discovery 2. They address the fundamental flaws that cause a Defender to be less refined.
I was going to suggest a train ticket or hiring a car and meeting them up there :D
It's not that bad doing long trips in the Defender. I've posted a few on here such as this one
That was in a TD5 with standard gearing and tune but aftermarket seats. Lately, I've put an overdrive in so it'll be a bit quieter and possibly more economical on longer runs, but you can get around small places like the British Isles quite well in the Defender.
I did forfar and back last year to collect a series 2a in a day. I've still got tinnitus :oops:
Sound proofing and lots of it, wade through all the threads on here about it.
If you got van bodied defenders then putting a partition behind the seats cuts the noise and keeps the heat in the cab for when you get to colder parts. Mine I built from wood and it's permanent behind the driver removable behind the passenger.
Now I like having a disco transfer box, ( with 750 tyres), it cuts the revs tremendously, and saves fuel. But you would have to change gear more often.
Just out of interest where in the Western isles are you heading?
I was thinking sound proifing and have considered an overdrive... Is it worth the expense for improved motorway performance?

As for where in the western Isles I'm not 100% but will have the tent with me so I'm open to suggestions
If its a one off trip I would not do anything. Says the person who has soundproofed his 200 and put a disco transfer box on it.
We go to Scotland most years in our TD5 110.
As suggested above, the best advice it to take it easy. Our 110 will sit at 75mph but is much better at 65mph.
Less noise, easier to hold the speed, uses less fuel. Plus at 65-75mph you are in and out of the middle lane of the motorway, being faster than trucks but slower than most cars.
Inside lane, chill out, take it easy. Change drivers when you stop. A Defender is great to be a passenger in the front as there is so much room, you are higher up and not enclosed by the dashboard like in a car.
Left and middle lane, take it easy, ear defenders.

Will be fine. I regularly drive to Suffolk and Norfolk in my non-soundproofed, canvas roof 200tdi. Nothing a hot bath doesn't sort.
I guess that compared to a canvas roof non-soundproofed 200tdi, our 2005 TD5 CSW is going to be fairly refined.
best ear defenders you can buy and if you can furnish them with intercoms you can all chat to each other.....sounds like good fun, good luck
As many other have said, chill in the inside/middle lane, turn the stereo up and enjoy the journey! Plenty of your favourite snacks and drinks, make it a party. I would also plan to stop at good campsites - maybe the lakes, then Aviemore. This means you can have a good shower and breakfast before hitting the road.

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