
New Member
Hey landyists, i was wondering, ive been looking around for a jack, high lift keep popping out at me, i was wondering are there any better ones around the same price? I want one that can be mounted on the back of my defender :D
Cheers :D
High Lift or Jackall. but be aware that the name highlift is often used to describe any Farmjack (there proper name) including cheap chinese imports. Which you don't want to buy.
Would go for a HighLift, but based on my experience go for the 4ft not 5ft version - I haven't had a need for the 5ft and being so tall makes it difficult to put anywhere useful.
just thrown my 5ft highlift on 2 mounts in the load area, works fine for me, but then i have then winch if im stuck in water, others may not, then its a bitch to get at!

Works fine in a 110 or larger - doesn't quite fit in an 88 ;). Fits reasonably nicely into the back of the new 110 but was a little awkward in the Series.
hence the "get a 4ft" advice.

i think im going to put mine on the roof at some point, 1 place i can always get to (unless its gone VERY wrong) and just make a very small shield to go in front of it angled up to deflect trees, etc.
my 4ft is mounted on the rear..
any "highlift" type jack in the wrong hands and used incorrectly are fookin dangerous..
but treated with respect have a number of uses and can be invaluable.

I`m so f***in` jealous of your lovely orange 90, W L ;)
I nearly had one but his gearbox was shot so didnt buy it an got a white one instead. Maybe one day!
Re your farmjack mounting.......Is it kept mounted there just when your using it, and taken off when parked up? I`m thinking security from thievin bastids but cant see from photos how locked up it is.
I`m so f***in` jealous of your lovely orange 90, W L ;)
I nearly had one but his gearbox was shot so didnt buy it an got a white one instead. Maybe one day!
Re your farmjack mounting.......Is it kept mounted there just when your using it, and taken off when parked up? I`m thinking security from thievin bastids but cant see from photos how locked up it is.

mine was white b4...
the mounting plate has a place where a padlock goes thru i just keep forgettin to put it back in place:doh:
my 4ft is mounted on the rear..
any "highlift" type jack in the wrong hands and used incorrectly are fookin dangerous..
but treated with respect have a number of uses and can be invaluable.

Is the jack mounted to the wheel carrier? i want to buy a kit to fit it to the back of my defender :D
great in sand etc but not so good on stoney ground. You have to be careful not to puncture it.

Have used 1 to shift a large rock that was been used to block a lane. Just scraped an hollow under it and shoved bag into hole.
great in sand etc but not so good on stoney ground. You have to be careful not to puncture it.

Have used 1 to shift a large rock that was been used to block a lane. Just scraped an hollow under it and shoved bag into hole.

Easy way around it is to cut a square piece of wood so that you can position it firmly underneath the X-Jack.
Easy way around it is to cut a square piece of wood so that you can position it firmly underneath the X-Jack.

Thick carpet or rubber matting is better as it conforms to the ground shape especially on uneven stoney ground.
i have a dirty chinese import 5ft (£20 new) it works very very well. if i had the money i would buy a hilift. one is better than the other, but both work fine. don't listen to what ANYONE says here. a 5ft fits fine in the back of the 90 across the bulkhead. its just internet rumours that say it can't!!
i wouldn't bother with a hi lift,unless used properly can be VERY dangerous,have 4 at work nobody uses them cos they are ****e.
i wouldn't bother with a hi lift,unless used properly can be VERY dangerous,have 4 at work nobody uses them cos they are ****e.

I know they're dangerous but what aspect of it makes it dangerous?

I was considering buying one last month when I went to a Land Rover show but I didn't when I remembered that I have no suitable lifting points on my gaylander with sidesteps.

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