
Active Member
Only me again my battery has had enough now and wants to go to the scrapping yard
So I want to get a good quality heavy duty one, I know that there's an army of d1 3.9 v8 owners on this site who know what's best
Sony I await the landy gurus to show their insight
Thanks guys , hope you can help
The battery in did have was a 069
069 it the size of battery the your disco left the factory with. I now on my second 072 battery which is a similar size and fits the battery tray, just after first dipping it under the ac pipes. The original Lucas 069 battery only lasted four years.
Cheers discool , so I could use a 072 then?
I also was thinking of putting another battery in so I have the other for emergency and plumbing a winch into it. So I would need to put a x charge dual battery charger in. Would I benefit with a tandem alternator?
If a jobs worth doing its worth doing right and correctly .
I know she's a twenty years old truck and she does have some very minor issues but she puts a smile on my face and now has an owner who gives a fcuk!!!!
Yes she can be a money pit but since I've had her I junked all the no existent suspension, complete brake system over hauled and replaced, all cooling hoses replaced. Rectified the barney bodger wiring.
Wow feel good getting that off my chest,some people on here can be so judgemental and full of themselves. It's nice having a conversation with some one genuine.
I await your thoughts
As @discool has implied, there are three major spec considerations when choosing an uprated battery, length, width and height.
Generally, the larger the battery, the better the electrical spec. Specifications such as capacity in Ampere/hours and cold cranking current, CCA will usually be uprated in a larger container.
Using a battery with a larger capacity or CCA will have no effect on the various circuits on a vehicle, as long as the battery is a 12 volt unit of course, the circuit will only draw the current from the battery that it needs. A pair of headlights will still only draw 10 amps or so from the battery, immaterial of whether it's has a capacity of 62 Ah, 75Ah, 100Ah or whatever, the larger capacity will just mean that the bulbs, in this case will stay alight for longer.
Likewise the CCA, if a starter motor requires, say 300 Amps to get it to start turning, then a battery with a CCA of 450 amps will be able to spin it up, just as well as a battery with a CCA of 1000 amps, it just means that the larger battery will be able to spin up the starter motor more times before it's exhausted.
Hello again Brian nice to hear from you. So I could go for a 072? Sor basically I can put a large 12v leisure battery in being mindful of the dimensions size and placement
I'd go for the 072 as the main battery. A leisure battery has different charge/discharge characteristics.
Cheers discool , so I could use a 072 then?
I also was thinking of putting another battery in so I have the other for emergency and plumbing a winch into it. So I would need to put a x charge dual battery charger in. Would I benefit with a tandem alternator?
If a jobs worth doing its worth doing right and correctly .
I know she's a twenty years old truck and she does have some very minor issues but she puts a smile on my face and now has an owner who gives a fcuk!!!!
Yes she can be a money pit but since I've had her I junked all the no existent suspension, complete brake system over hauled and replaced, all cooling hoses replaced. Rectified the barney bodger wiring.
Wow feel good getting that off my chest,some people on here can be so judgemental and full of themselves. It's nice having a conversation with some one genuine.
I await your thoughts.

A dual battery, alternator system has been installed by some LR owners so they must have a use for it, winching and lots of flood lights on every day must be the reason, who knows felling trees may be.:)

If u feel you need the additional ‘leisure’ battery on the near side of your engine, after making space for the battery after adapting the air filter and intake then you will require a dual charge system... so make your own, but there are few kits to do that around some even with a dash gauge, if u feel you need to know what’s going on. You don’t require an additional alternator, if you did, u would have to loose your AC pump as thats in the position the alternator would take.
Your vehicle electrical system (battery-alternator) is quite able in supplying the current for a normal winch in a single use operation i.e a recovery which you would carry out with your engine running, which u would, wouldn’t you.

With your leisure battery fitted you could spend all day doing a bit of winching without fear of running down your starter battery. :)
Morning Brian, well I've ordered the lucas 072 heavy duty . But thanks for your advice and help.
Hope you have a green laninig, muddy rut, slippy slopping winch recovering diff crunching oh my God I'm sinking wet assed Christmas and a great new year fella
Oh ****ź, sorry Brian, I had no idea .so hope you and yours have a good Christmas and you have no mishaps
Really put my foot in that one!
No further pun intended
Oh ****ź, sorry Brian, I had no idea .so hope you and yours have a good Christmas and you have no mishaps
Really put my foot in that one!
No further pun intended
No problem, half of it was my own fault anyway!
It's a good story though.

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