
Active Member
I wanna hear your best bodge stories that have gotten you out the sh*t, and got you home! Theres gotta be some fantastic stories from some overlanders, green-laners, and mud-seekers alike!

I've owned my landy for over a year and off road regularly, I've had a few problems but not many, normally I am able to trundle home, and take a look - I've not had to fix anything out and about...

After a pay and play trip to Slindon Safari from the Isle of Wight to discover that my oil filler cap had come off somewhere on the A27, I thought I ought to bodge something up to get me through the day. Obviously main concern was mud and sh*t getting into my engine, not so much loosing a bit of oil, and getting my engine covered (I like to see it as rust prevention, not just laziness lol).

This is exactly why I take my tools and all sorts with me at all times!
After some discussion, and some pretty poor ideas, I decided to use a socket that my mate had found in his truck. I filled the square drive up with high temp oil resistant gasket stuff, and slid the socket in the rocker cover, I then filled in the cut outs, and did the best job I could to get a seal around the socket.
Then I found a rag, and placed it on top, so that the bonnet would have some pressure on the socket, keeping it in place... And decided to just play and see what happened!

Turned out to be a pretty good bodge! Got me home, and to work and back for the next couple days till I could source a new cap!

Just so you are aware - I don't think its good to do dodgy work on cars they've gotta be maintained right! Just the bodges to get you home.
I used a nappy bag and cable tie to stop my power steering fluid from leaking. Not really an epic story but the only bodge I've done!
Used cable ties hold a the roof of a 90 on.

Err expanding foam in a tyre that didn't work..

String on the fuel pump throttle cable snapped.

Chassis snapped in half on a mates 90 offroading with a big snatch recovery, most of it held by the body& tub but used logs cable tided both halfs chassis give it strength get back to a road.

Mates radiator had a log go through it in a bog/lane, used some flexi pipe he was using as a snorkel to join together to water pump and stat housing keep water pumped round to get back to a end of a lane.

Can't remember anything else off hand.
Super glue and nail varnish on a rotor arm comes to mind.
Ooo forgotten my favourite!!!
Bear mats we made a 200tdi thermostat gasket out of in the middle of wales hills :p
Worked spot on, swelled up and held together fine, did t get changed for a month or so after the trip lol

that's my topic on it piccys at top , on page one close to the bottom theres a diagram I drew to explain it to iann

A mate made a plate with studs sticking out. Bolted to wheel nuts, he tied a rope around it and used it as a winch.
My bodge tonight, a few plumbing fittings to cover up the hole where my filler plug in the rear diff was, oh and Max, remind me not to get a work done on my landy by you. Lol
A mate made a plate with studs sticking out. Bolted to wheel nuts, he tied a rope around it and used it as a winch.
My bodge tonight, a few plumbing fittings to cover up the hole where my filler plug in the rear diff was, oh and Max, remind me not to get a work done on my landy by you. Lol

funny thing is I was wondering about something like that , is ideal for minior recoveries from any corner that has drive , same effect with me strap as I had no welder nearby ;)
will remember that one , bet you used loads of fuel though !

nah, i handpicked a stone so that it ran at around 2000k.. it was an old 2.25d so it was slow anyway and i wasn't far from home... mile or so out on in the hills.
In the middle of nowhere in Angelsy. The rear brakes locked on solid. Only stuff at hand was wife's nail kit. Repaired with baby oil, nail varnish remover and an old iron bar I found in a field.
Was at the top end of the farm the other day in the loader and the top link pin kept falling out as the bolt was missing. Solution

Winched a car onto a trailer before when the engine died, with 2 rachet straps. Took a while but got there.

Held many an electrical connector together with zipties.

Solution ive found for getting bolts and washers on together in difficult spots is a small ammount of superglue between the two to hold them together so I only have to hold one :)
I've done loads, most resent was at the LZ bash when I put a hole in my fuel tank so using some hose from BB a "fuel tank" from yellow90 and a strap I bodged a tank in to get me home

Then I had an engine in the back of it that I wanted out, but I lent my engine hoist out, so chain blocks and a ratchet strap across the roof rack helped that one


That's the only ones I have pictures of, I have used blue nylon rope as a fan belt for a while as the bottom pully was damaged, adjusted the throttle because the cable had snapped etc.

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