AA membership, and a mobile phone.

Seriously! There's always something you can't fix by the roadside, my gearbox siezed completely this time last year.
A well-equipped friend :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Most useful Ebay bargain - overland roof tent and carannex Tent . make landy camp a home form home :)

Most used is my on board air compressor and my missile storeage boxes that I keep all my tat in.
You own a land rover! You need this!:D
The wife ...

Opens gates, sorts 'camp' out, cleans stuff and is sometimes warm in bed!!


Apart from that a decent sleeping bag ...
For Wild camping best bits of kit... Hammock and Tarp


In my experience of cooking out doors, there is a lot of good kit out there, the best one in my opinion would be the MSR Whisper Light, its a multi fuel stove that will use petrol, diesel, paraffin, and gas, you can get a chinese copy for about 1/4 the price I have got friends that have these, and like them, and they seem to do a good job.

Jet boils expensive to buy and run, ok for the odd cup of hot water, yes it is very fast but that comes at a cost. Oh yeah very limited fuel options.

Kelly/Gillie Kettles are again expensive to buy, limited use, Limited fuel, ie wood, heavy/bulky even the small F1 is quite large, not really good unless car camping due to weight/size, I have used the cooking kit for the Kelly/Gillie Kettle but found these to be a pain while refuelling with sticks

For a all round bit of kit Swedish Army Trangia, boils water quite quickly, if you just want a mug, runs on meths, can use with Hexi, Wood, and if called for a small gas burner, the Cooking pot and lid can be used in a fire, and the the lid turned upside down and the pot and lid can be used as a Dutch Oven., bomb proof, but slightly heavy then the Trangia.

If you want hot water for a drink just keep a flask with hot water, use that while you wait for the water to boil, then refill the flask. I do this in the morning, by filling a small flask with coffee, the first thing when I wake up I get a Hot drink, no waiting... some times dont even get out my pit

If I Am Car camping tend to take a Gridle/kettle/Billys/Dutch Oven. and Make a tripod.


These are only my opinions, formed what I have found out in the field.
Use to sell Jet Boils in an outdoor shop when they got popular. Used to be £40. For me it would have to be my Coleman multifuel stove or the Leatherman.
I like light weight gear cos im heavy enough as it is. I use a primus eta stove-jetboil copy. Super quick. And me north face spectrum 23 tent. Not very socialble but light
I like light weight gear cos im heavy enough as it is. I use a primus eta stove-jetboil copy. Super quick. And me north face spectrum 23 tent. Not very socialble but light

Not had much to do with the Primus eta, I have heard some good reports, yet to try one myself out in the field... better go hunting to see if i can borrow one for a weekend out in the wilds.... :), Have used other Primus kit over the years and found no problems with them, apart from personal preferance in use.

Use to sell Jet Boils in an outdoor shop when they got popular. Used to be £40. For me it would have to be my Coleman multifuel stove or the Leatherman.

Colman Stoves, very good used many over the years, and the fact they are multi fuel as well helps, Colmans take a bit more care in the mainatince if unleaded petrol is used or the boiling time can suffer due to some of the additves in petrol, the same happens with the lanterns, but as i say very good kit. I still have a dual mantel latern , loads of light.

For a small cuppa, and weight saving I have a Esbit Hexi burner , cheap ok takes some time heating the water but hey , chill relax, it cheap and light as a all in one kit, i'll post a pic later
I remember hexi burners from my air cadet days!! Cheaper but excellent and take up hardly any space!!!
I' ve a petromax lantern and the quality control is ****e,fettled it was at the show providing light.

Kelly kettle which I run on fire lighters etc

Two burner camping stove and canned food
Just used the Esbit Burner never timed it before, I' ve run out of Esbit blocks, I find Esbit blocks to be better so used 1/2 a normal hexi block (miltec make - cheap and nasty, lol), still had some left after, put 400ml of cold water in and that boiled in just over 10 mins, as I say not that quick in comparison to the Jet boil, but bearing in mind the size you can see that from the zippo next to it and the weight 179gm's, not a bad choice, all for about £20 hard anodised. or with a trangia type meths burner and the Esbit Block mod part think its about £30. I have used my meths burner in it

Oh forgot to say the burner fits inside the Cup on top which has a lid as well, this comes in a nice little netting bag


I have got an old MOD style Hexi burner that unfolds, they are a grand little Stove,

Only thing with Hexi, is the fumes are not good in enclosed spaces for your health, lol.

One thing I did forget to mention is that when gas is used, as it turns from liquid to gas the heat it uses to do this is lost from the air around the canister, that in turn cools the canister, in turn that cools the gas, which then drops in pressure, this will the cause the performance of the stove to do its job so well, myself I have know Propane Gas stove stop operating in Cold weather, this is one of the reasons I tend to stick to multi fuel stoves, its not much fun being in snow up to your knees, and not having a working stove...... oh Propane suffers less the Butane in the cold.
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