I did not get as far as getting the carpet removed today as I gave the old girl an oil change etc, only to give myself another problem :doh:

The area around the oil filter was oily and damp looking as was quite a bit of the engine bay, so i cleaned and presure washed the area before removing it wipeing clean the face and putting on a new filter with a smear of oil.

Went for a short test drive and she went far better with a new air filter etc fitted and running on bio that only costs me 70p a litre :D but on returning home there was a trail of oil behind me including all along my block paved drive, so i have spent the past few hours cleaning up the mess.

Have i a dodgy oil filter? or has my pressure washing unearthed a leak somewhere??? I knew owning a disco would involve some work but this is more than i expected straight off. The service kit came off Ebay. There are oil streaks down the oil filter... Its not pouring out but a steady drip drip
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when you took the old filter off did the old rubber seal come off the housing or is still on there along with the new one in the body of the fillter?
I am aware of that one as I have seen that done, no it was a clean metal surface that I screwed it on to.
presumably with it being a kit off ebay it has no name on the filter? Might have a split in the casing near the top of the filter - have seen these on britpart filters
Sometimes you can get a bad filter, but very very rarely.

What brand is it?

Ive changed miwwions of filters and once or twice had a leak. Usually to stop it I've had to tighten it mega tight.

Try tighten it as far as poss, if that cures it, get another filter/different brand etc.

Don't lose hope just yet mate, they're good fun to own when running right (rarely!) :D

Oh and stay out of your wifes way for a bit. Working on the car passes the time for me! :D

Cheers, sam
Thanks for the help so far, yeah I am kinda avoiding the wife...

The filter I fitted is a "BM" one
Not sure about BM, could be bearmach.

The populars are fram, Mahle, coopers, unipart.

Yep thats the one BM = "Bearmach" The fuel filter is the same box but has Bearmach written on the filter as well. The rubber seal was shrunk wrapped to protect it and the quality looked good (but what do I know)

I will try tightening the filter tomorrow with a chain wrench, if that dont work I will replace it. If that dont work I will be back here crying for help
Yep thats the one BM = "Bearmach" The fuel filter is the same box but has Bearmach written on the filter as well. The rubber seal was shrunk wrapped to protect it and the quality looked good (but what do I know)

I will try tightening the filter tomorrow with a chain wrench, if that dont work I will replace it. If that dont work I will be back here crying for help

I have just ordered a genuine filter & sumpwasher from fleabay for £8 ish delivered, i would not fit a pattern one when a genuine one aint dear.
I tightened the filter with a chain wrench and i am now getting just a few drips deposited after parking for a while and that i can live with for now. I will get another filter shortly and try again.

I have done a couple of hundred miles in the last few days and i must say i love the bio fuel price i am paying at 70p a litre i should have done this ages ago :D

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