
New Member
I have just gone and pulled the bonnet release and found that it is very stiff and only just managed to open it has any one had the job of changing one (cable) and is it easy to do?
When I did get the bonnet open I noticed that the engine cover is missing ie the plastic part are these available and how much? thanks...
Sorry, didn't read first post properly- Doh!

Had to break into mine earlier...

Unlock car to stop the alarm going off...

Look through the grill where the bonnet catch is, there is a black plastic plate with five rivets in it... 2 LHS, 2 RHS and one central.

Using a flat screwdriver atleast 9" long and a hammer, bray the rivets off and poke the plastic plate out of the way...

To the left as you face it is a coil spring hooked over a catch...

Take a length of thin ish wire and pull the spring toward you and release it from the hook...

Using the same wire, pull the metal tab that the spring was on toward you and the bonnet will open. :)

Not sure about replacing the cable yet but I reckon getting in will be the hardest bit.

To get the bonnet to latch shut, close it as normal, put a bit of weight on it and push the tab in toward the engine to lock the bonnet.

Took me about 15 minute's including head scratching to get in. :tea:
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Sorry, didn't read first post properly- Doh!

Had to break into mine earlier...

Unlock car to stop the alarm going off...

Look through the grill where the bonnet catch is, there is a black plastic plate with five rivets in it... 2 LHS, 2 RHS and one central.

Using a flat screwdriver atleast 9" long and a hammer, bray the rivets off and poke the plastic plate out of the way...

To the left as you face it is a coil spring hooked over a catch...

Take a length of thin ish wire and pull the spring toward you and release it from the hook...

Using the same wire, pull the metal tab that the spring was on toward you and the bonnet will open. :)

Not sure about replacing the cable yet but I reckon getting in will be the hardest bit.

To get the bonnet to latch shut, close it as normal, put a bit of weight on it and push the tab in toward the engine to lock the bonnet.

Took me about 15 minute's including head scratching to get in. :tea:
pour a little unleaded fuel in and around the bonnet catch area give it 2 mins to soack in and then light it carefully with a match..and hey presto bonnet will pop open

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