
New Member
I got pretty much no service history (other than looking up all previous MOTs) when I bought my Freelander just over a month ago.

So far all seems to be mostly ok, but it's done around 75k miles and I've no idea whether the VCU has ever been replaced. The only symptom that makes me slightly wary that the VCU might be nearing the end of its life is a real tightness when reversing on full lock, but I've read that this is quite normal too?

I was thinking of taking it for a test up at Bell Engineering - I've seen their website, but recommendation would be good too... has anyone got good (or bad) things to say about them?
Everyone on here raves about them mate,,
If I was a little closer I would visit them myself..

Honest and quality parts is what I have heard..

Someone will be along to tell you more I am sure..
Well never seen a single bad review about them.

If you've ever spent more than 5 minutes on a LR forum you'll know that complaining is what LR owners do.

I got pretty much no service history (other than looking up all previous MOTs) when I bought my Freelander just over a month ago.

So far all seems to be mostly ok, but it's done around 75k miles and I've no idea whether the VCU has ever been replaced. The only symptom that makes me slightly wary that the VCU might be nearing the end of its life is a real tightness when reversing on full lock, but I've read that this is quite normal too?

I was thinking of taking it for a test up at Bell Engineering - I've seen their website, but recommendation would be good too... has anyone got good (or bad) things to say about them?

Yes mate I took mine to them to be tested. They really were excellent, and I have absolute trust in their knowlege. I'm still saving for new tyres and a VCU but we took the prop off as my VCU was a bit tight as it turned out.

Definitely worth the trip mate.
Cheers guys, I'll give em a call and get it booked in for a check up :)

If you've ever spent more than 5 minutes on a LR forum you'll know that complaining is what LR owners do.


I've only been here 5 mins but it's a lot like the mg forums I usually frequent in that same complaining way :lol:
Can you test it for us for comparison?

Guess I could :). Just figured it would be knackered at 110k with the state the rest of it was in. In fact it's nothing short of a miracle that my IRD and diff are still in one piece :eek:.
I didn't take it up to Bell in the end as along with the tightness soon came a rumble and vibration so I figured driving it up there would only do more potential damage.

I did get a VCU from them this week though and it's totally transformed how the car feels in reverse. I think I now know the difference between feeling a little bit tight in reverse and feeling like I was in quick sand.

Good job done I think :)
Well done mate, I've just got new tyres so I'm going to order a new VCU from them. Though I'm going to do Hippo's torque test on both of them to see what the difference is :).

On their web site Bell offer a free VCU check by post if u send em it just have to pay for the return postage ..handy if your hundreds of miles away ;)
You lot are brilliant!

Just looked them up & they are only 15 miles from me.:)

They do a free transmission check-over. How good is that!

Reckon I'll nip over some time next week.

Thanks for the tip.

On their web site Bell offer a free VCU check by post if u send em it just have to pay for the return postage ..handy if your hundreds of miles away ;)

I didn't know that! I'm pretty sure mine is knackered but as its off at the mo anyway might as well send it to be sure!!
Out of interest as i couldnt find the info when I was looking, my garages labour charge was somewhere around 1.5 hours to fit the new vcu when complete with bearings from Bell.
If you havent already id fit it myself mate. Get someone to lift it and you could fit it with props in about 30 min. 1 and a half hours is a bit much i think.
Yeh 1.5 hours sounds like they weren't sure what they were doing. It's four bolts per end for the props I think and then two bolts for each VCU bearing - hardly 120 mins work!!
there is another way of testing the vcu and thats to find a grassy wet hill if the vcu has gone you will just front wheel spin if not it ok

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