Superb. Do that in a town in this country and either:

a) no one will notice


b) a riot will kick off.
You couldn't organise something like that in the UK, even if you tried 'elf and safety would put the kibosh on the whole idea before you got it off the ground. Nice saddle-warmer on the bike though...
Well, I'm these days watching that program "Road wars" about the special intervention team of the Thames Valley police (I think) and I must say that I am surprised by the reactions of, especially, the youngsters and some of the olders as well, the way they speak and react on the police is something I have it difficult with. I am always really surprised these cops can keep their cool, if it was me I think I'd smash them right in the face. But once they got "nicked" the problem is the same as here, they are back on the street again with almost always no consequence for the vilains at all, they walk free again even before the police officer has filed and finished his report.

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