
Space man
Wanted empty beer bottles for the considerable amount of beer i've got brewing at the moment...prefer local but if you have a huge stash of bottles i'll drive a fair distance :D

cheers me dears
What you want is a beersphere (other types may be available) saves all that messing around when the bottles go pop in the wifes wardrobe, not as messy though as 20 demijohns of orange wine going volcanic on the landing.
beer barrels are only any good in the winter, or if you have a cellar, otherwise you cant keep them cold enough.
I have a modded fridge with a barrel in it so it has to be modded a standard fridge won't usually stay warm enough for proper beer.
freecysle is good for beer bottles, I managed nearly 100 in a week from there (would let you have some but leeds is prolly a bit to far)

never had a bottle pop on me yet, and made some pretty fizzy brews (and yes, they were supposed to be :) )

got a stout on the go atm, and the wife drinking a 4 y/o vino

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