
Active Member
Despite the excitement of our first holiday away in three years, the thought of leaving my trusty L322 on the drive did fill me with dread.

However all I came back to (I say all, it's a bloody nuisance) was a flooded rear quarter (still trying to find that flipping leak) which knocked out the sat nav and gave me the basic moniter screen. A quick dry out on the radiator and that's now sorted.

Now to learn how to solder new pins into that big black box so I can have sound again!

All in all I think I got off lightly. Any horror stories from you lot what you returned to after leaving your Rangies for a period of time?

Well I'm hoping that mine will simply start as usual when I get home on Saturday. .. However that will be there weeks since she last ran and although any other car would be fine I'm not sure about solihulls finest!

However my van is away for bodywork repair and should be back but may not be and it's been even longer since I drove the 650i so we might be relying on the mighty 116i to jump everything back to life!

I have to say though that the only issues I've ever had with mine after a long trip away is a flat battery which turned out to actually be a **** battery and she's been good as good since!
Cousin returned to find his missing (this was a few years back now) - that was pretty traumatic for us all. He had CCTV at his house and when we looked it had only gone about 2 hours before he got back. Bastards!
I'd like to say they wouldn't get far with like but it's nearly full of fuel... At least 150 miles lol.
Cousin returned to find his missing (this was a few years back now) - that was pretty traumatic for us all. He had CCTV at his house and when we looked it had only gone about 2 hours before he got back. Bastards!

Ouch, I never even thought about theft :(
Shame nobody stole it for you but it probably wouldn't have started and then run out of fuel if they did get away :)
Sorry just read the other posts saying the same thing
Shame nobody stole it for you but it probably wouldn't have started and then run out of fuel if they did get away :)
Sorry just read the other posts saying the same thing

You're a cruel, cruel man :D

Funny thing about the fuel was there were two fuel lights on the LPG gauge but that could have been three gallon or a chip pan lid full, who knows with those things :eek:
Actually all joking aside, it's running pretty damn perfect apart from that gearbox. I'm looking forward to getting a few diy jobs done over the next few months and bonding for our long life together. I've not even needed my All Comms for a while. Ssshhh, don't talk too loud, the Rangie will hear me :eek:
Got around to using mine last night, 16 days since last used barely had to show it the key before she roared into life "walkies!!!"

I know it doesn't sound like much but the 4 months struggling with the first "new" battery and it being flat increasingly often lead me to think there was something majorly wrong with the car happily it turned out not to be the case and it was another example of a crap battery!
Yep I suffered with the cack battery thing a couple of months ago. Got a good one on now so confident at the turn of the key!

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