
New Member
ok, so I bought what was to be fair a cheap discovery TD5 that I won on an ebay auction. The auction stated the car had the 3 amigos on, and needed MOTing.
Fine I thought. I will get to the bottom of that and still end up with a good car at the end of it.
I went to see the car, test drove it, and it seemed fine. But I was in a rush and it was snowing heavily so I wasnt as thorough as I should have been.

I have since discovered the heater doesnt work....and the coolant system is pressurised. I filled it > bled it yesterday. Today when i take the expansion cap off its like I've opened a bottle of Coke that I just shook for half an hour :mad:

Soo.... I paid cash. But have the ebay invoice.
The guy is a proper motor sales showroom not far from me.
Do I have any comeback seeing as how it stated no where that the headgasket was f*cked??? or am I sh*t out of luck?!!!

I just want to be armed with all the facts before I ring him.
All I have got on my side is I can leave him terrible feedback.... I cant see that being enough to swing any money back though.

All help appreciated. The rest of the car is excellent on the plus side!!! Its clearly been looked after. The last owner is an antique dealer guy also from the same city as me, and he has clearly spent out on it.... the HG was obviously one bill too many so he PXd it.

Urgent advice needed please chaps
Have a read of this....****-if-you-already-have-76002.html

Good luck
I should price up the work to get the head gasket done. If the engine runs and isn't making a racket it shouldn't be a bad job and though it may cost a few hundred worth it.

Have a look on here for td5 head gasket threads you may find assistance.

If the price of the vehicle was cheap they may have factored that in. They may not have spent too much time inspecting it being a part exchange. Maybe worth a visit to see their response. If you want to keep it they may be prepared to make a contribution to the work.
cheers for the 'crock of ****' thread lol
I dont know where this falls into that because it was described as needing work (3 amigos)
and had no MOT.
It wasnt described as having a failed headgasket though.

So I guess Im sh*t out of luck seeing as I paid cash.

Live and learn.....

I will still be ringing this guy to chew his ear off and see if he will pay towards the HG though I think he won't be up for it.

I had £500 set aside to sort the amigos and get an MOT. Looks like Im going to have to do the HG myself as well. It would cost probably more than that to get an indy to do it :(

Well p*ssed off!!! thanks for letting me vent!
cheers guys. yeah thats possible they havent seen it... Though he said the fault code was OS ABS sensor.... so if his garage has had it in, I doubt they didnt check the coolant. But maybe they didnt, who knows
1999 TD5 GS with 115k

ive rad up on the HG a lot already. Every thread on here I think!!
I've done a few before on TD vans and some petrol cars so I reckon I should be able to do it with the help of this great place!!! thanks chaps
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I bought a td5 from a dealer when I got it home as you do check over things and noticed dripping from the expansion tank outlet and the hoses was rock hard following morning rang the dealer took it straight back the system was pressureing the garage replaced HG/rad/water pump/expansion cap but still was pressureing the system eventual a new head was sourced and that cured the problem ....Dealer was not happy as the expense was eating into his profit lol ...and then it was some thing else every month got rid .....lemon indeed ...I would get the head checked out and skimmed
I'm in Sheffield chunky munky. If there's anyone that can help scan it that would be ace!
Spankee- that's my worst fear...! That the head is cracked.
A dream vehicle (always loved discos) that became a nightmare!!
Going to post in the the tech section about the HG.
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have a look on the LZIR map, theres folk with diagnostics on there
Don1 is coming up clost to sheffeild, no idea if his diagnostic will be suitable.
What was the ebay number so we can check out the listing.

Also check with citezens advice as it still needs to be as described.
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Its a tricky one
One you did look at it first so you did have a chance to find any problems
Two it was sold as needing work so that's as good as sold as seen
Three it don't sound like you know what is wrong with it yet or if it has got a head gasket fault
And it was cheap
So I'd just do what it needs and use it and see if the possible head gasket gets worse
But with that said as it was from a dealer then there's no harm in popping down there and explaining the problems they may offer to repair it or give you your money back
i would suggest talking to them politely first, rather than screaming at them.

I have always found the more chilled out approach gets more help than having a right go at them. Having a go just puts up the defences straight away.

Had an issue with a bike where they fitted a tyre for me and didnt bolt the fron calipers on properly! few miles down the road one fell off!! I went back and there was a customer there buying another bike so rather than going in there and trying to embaress them, i waited till that customer left with his new toy and then i calmly pointed out the problem. They apologised profusely, gave the apprentice a right flogging and offered to change my head race bearings that it was going in for the following week for free... appreciative of the fact i had waited for the other customer to leave.

Manners gets you everything is what i always say :)
""Manners gets you everything is what i always say"" ... after many years of dealing with the public while wearing my cab drivers hat,
I have lernt that my full on aproach wiv a baseball bat only gets ya into more ****e in the end..

my last "having a word" wiv 3 turkish ar soles in a takeaway got me a ride to a station wiv a blue light upon it!

so heed that vileguys words of wisdom = Manners gets you everything is what i always say

if it dont work, feckit, I`ll lend ya me baseball bat :)
Cheers guys. Yeah I did have time to find the fault as I viewed the car before paying him. My excuse is it was snowing heavily and I skimped on taking the coolant lid off, god knows why! I could see pink coolant clearly at the right level, so I assumed it was ok. If I had removed the lid I would have know straight away.
Its definately the head gasket or a cracked head worst case. I'm going to take the head off and see whats what as soon as the weather allows (outside job) so will update then. thanks
I would imagine if they didnt make you aware of the major faults then they are liable unless it was sold as scrap of course, 'sold as seen' means nothing from a dealer.
I would imagine if they didnt make you aware of the major faults then they are liable unless it was sold as scrap of course, 'sold as seen' means nothing from a dealer.

Sold as seen from a dealer means nothing, six months warranty and can be upto six years under sales of goods act.
The vehicle should be of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose for the consideration paid.
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