
Active Member
Hey Up Peepz,

Who is the best person to speak to about getting my BECM repaired/recoded.

I have PM'd Irish rover but just wanted to know if there was anyone closer to yorkshire?

Cheerz in Advance,

Rick The Pick is the man to sort your problem, believe he is based in Brighton . He is a member on this forum so do a search for him and then you can pm him. There is another chap called Marty who also repairs BECMs but is away for a few weeks.
Basically battery went flat for no reason and since then the electric Windows and electric mirrors won't work.
Had it diagnosed as the BECM so need to find out who can repair it.

I will pm Rick. Cheerz again.

as PPP38vouge says, Rick is your man.

I can't recommend him enough. I took my BECM to him near Brighton after having the typical KeyCode Lockout/Engine Disabled blah blah blah messages on the display. I was pulling my hair out, especially after the stealers quoted me £1600, yes £1600 to "fix the problems", but Rick sorted it in no time. handed the BECM to him, went for a coffee, returned, all done and ready, for less than £200 in my case. I asked him to deprogramme all the b/s and hey presto, all done!
refitted it under the driver's seat, perfecto! Hero!
he calls himself "call rover" I believe (I have his invoice at home if you need contact details.
I found this site but it is giving no information:

hope this helps
my problems came after the infamous flat battery symptoms and jump-starting with a spare battery I had to keep in the car, on numerous occasions, also Zaff
John does not have the equipment to do BECMs anymore he sold it on. Rick is the best option.
It's most likely not a BECM problem to start with.

The windows switchpacks are known for failing randomly where they will just not move any of the windows.

Do the rear windows still work from the door controls? If so, then I'd suspect the window switchpack before anything else.
As PPP38Vogue says - I do some BECM work, can do unlocking and basic repairs - but I also have looking into the window switchpacks to try and find out why they fail, and now offer repaired ones on exchange for the faulty one. I am away working with my day job, pretty much until the end of June, so not a lot of use to you at the moment though!

There are a few common areas where they fail, and 99% of the time they are repairable - If it was just a single switch that was faulty, then they are easier to do, and I did a writeup on how to fix the switches. But a complete failure of the switchpack is a bit more tricky to locate sometimes, and generally require some fiddly work around components to repair broken tracks.

Check the rear door window switches, as the BECM drives them directly. If they work, then chances are the window switchpack is faulty. If they don't work either, then it's either failed with the rear window switch inhibit on, or it is an internal BECM problem - but I wouldn't be ripping it all out just yet. If it's the switchpack, then it's generally a 10 minute job to replace the faulty one, once you have the replacement.

If it is the switchpack, then I'd be interested in buying the faulty one off you to add to my pile of ones to repair when I get home.

If you have a nanacom and can operate the windows with it the switchpack is faulty.

If it is the switchpack, then I'd be interested in buying the faulty one off you to add to my pile of ones to repair when I get home and Marty i think i have 2 in my shed but will be heading overseas soon will contact you when I get back in about november
Good point about being able to operate them with a Nanocom! You would also be able to read the switch inputs from the window switchpack using Nanocom too, so can check both the input and the output of the windows fairly easily.

Ovalandrover... if you do have a couple, then that would be great. I am away at the moment until the end of June - so no hurry on them at all. If you drop me a message when you are back, I am sure that I'll still be interested in them... I send so many parts out that don't get a faulty one back! Means I don't end up refunding their core charge, but then means I need to keep an eye out for more bits to repair/rebuild!
That does sound like the window switch pack.
There's always somnething that upsets the becm, although the fault may not lie directly with the becm module itself.

It's an art finding faults within the becm, keeping in mind that the becm is constantly powered, & the complexity of this module can keep you tracking faults for hours. One leaky component that tests ok can completely throw you off track. Hence, a few people just swap becms over, & although not the best option as most of these becms have hidden faults through age etc. But by going through a few procedure will allow you to pin point the fault.

Start off by swapping the window switch pack, & if that fails to work, it'll either be the becm or the wiring.

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