
New Member
Hi all

Mozz, RobinT and many others have all been trying to help me out, but we can't seem to start the car. I assume this is because the BECM is locked and in an alarmed state. So even though I am going to buy Nanocom Evo for my vehicle it won't be able to communicate with the BECM until I have paid for someone nearby to unlock the BECM. The question is, once they have unlocked it for me, can I just hook up my Nanocom Evo and sort out the problems myself or do I need to pay the technician for extra services such as Resetting my BECM unit as well.

Just in case my Symptoms are ......
I am stuck, the car is not accepting the EKA code in the drivers door and the alarm keeps going off as soon as I open the drivers door, engine disabled, and front passenger door won't unlock or open either. I am getting really desperate now, my wife is disabled and without our car to get to and from the hospital we are stuffed.

I am wondering also is it could be a faulty micro switch on the door lock and if it is, how would I be able to tell ?

Kindest Regards

I am wondering also is it could be a faulty micro switch on the door lock and if it is

possibly! with the weather freezing up lucks and acuators. any pre symptoms ?

I am getting really desperate now, my wife is disabled and without our car to get to and from the hospital we are stuffed.

as a question.. where abouts are you.. some of us maybe able to help till the P38 is sorted.
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Sounds more like a duff micro switch in the door lock than an alarmed and locked BECM to me. The messages you are getting suggest that getting the EKA code in would resolve the problem. You can enter the EKA code with the Nanocom. Are you sure that you have the right EKA code?
Do the rear doors unlock? On mine unlocking with the key when a FOB loses sync only unlocks the drivers door, the remaining doors unlock when the FOB re syncs.
You don't need BECM unlocking to enter EKA code. Nanocom will do that. BECM being locked or unlocked has nothing to do with it.
You don't need BECM unlocking to enter EKA code. Nanocom will do that. BECM being locked or unlocked has nothing to do with it.

Oh right, so if my car won't except the EKA through the key or entering EKA in drivers door with the key, I should be able to connect the Nanocom evolution and enter the EKA code that way.

Excellent. Thanks again for all your help.

Let's hope it works.

possibly! with the weather freezing up lucks and acuators. any pre symptoms ?

as a question.. where abouts are you.. some of us maybe able to help till the P38 is sorted.

Hi, Thanks for your offer, I have cancelled hospital apps. until my car is sorted, I am going to see what happens after I get my nanocom hopefully that should sort it. I have been meaning to get a diagnostic tool anyway and now that Blackbox have an affordable standalone unit that pretty much everything and is cheap to upgrade to other vehicles I think that is the way to go for me anyway.

Thanks though.
sounds more like a duff micro switch in the door lock than an alarmed and locked becm to me. The messages you are getting suggest that getting the eka code in would resolve the problem. You can enter the eka code with the nanocom. Are you sure that you have the right eka code?
Do the rear doors unlock? On mine unlocking with the key when a fob loses sync only unlocks the drivers door, the remaining doors unlock when the fob re syncs.
Sounds more like a duff micro switch in the door lock than an alarmed and locked BECM to me. The messages you are getting suggest that getting the EKA code in would resolve the problem. You can enter the EKA code with the Nanocom. Are you sure that you have the right EKA code?
Do the rear doors unlock? On mine unlocking with the key when a FOB loses sync only unlocks the drivers door, the remaining doors unlock when the FOB re syncs.

Thanks for that, I think the micro switch in the door is fine because when I open the door the interior light does come on. The alarm light on the dash and the alarm just keeps going on even though I have entered the correct EKA code. And the in dash computer keeps saying windows unset ect and alarm disabled. I know it is the correct EKA code I am using because I have used it before successfully, and the Range Rover dealers confirmed it was correct when I phoned them with a query.

When I use the EKA code, only my driver door unlocks and the boot, all the others remain locked. Although I can unlock/lock manually accept for the front passenger door. Some members have said that because that door won't open it is messing with the BECM and could be the reason I can't start the car or sync the key fob.

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not all car have the 4 turns its only usually the later cars that have this earlier cars dont

Yeah thanks for that, I just this minute tried that option and it makes no difference the alarm still goes off when I open the drivers door.

I believe for my model it is the 4 turns to the left as it says in my handbook, as I have used this method successfully before entering my EKA code when I had an engine disabled problem a couple of years ago when I had the earlier RF unit that used to pick up all the wi-fi signals. I have got the newest one now though so I know that's not the problem.

Thanks for all your help though.
If you can't open the front passeger door with the internal button it sounds as though it is stuck on superlock. Do a search for rectifying that maybe something on RANGEROVERS.NET HOME covers that.
Thanks for that, I think the micro switch in the door is fine because when I open the door the interior light does come on. The alarm light on the dash and the alarm just keeps going on even though I have entered the correct EKA code. And the in dash computer keeps saying windows unset ect and alarm disabled. I know it is the correct EKA code I am using because I have used it before successfully, and the Range Rover dealers confirmed it was correct when I phoned them with a query.

When I use the EKA code, only my driver door unlocks and the boot, all the others remain locked. Although I can unlock/lock manually accept for the front passenger door. Some members have said that because that door won't open it is messing with the BECM and could be the reason I can't start the car or sync the key fob.

There is more than one micro switch:)
Has anyone connected a diagnostic tool to your vehicle and been able to access the BECM to read its status.?

If the BECM has gone into "Lock out mode" then you will not be able to access it with any diagnostic tool.Direct connection to the CPU board is the only way to unlock and reset the BECM.
Has anyone connected a diagnostic tool to your vehicle and been able to access the BECM to read its status.?

If the BECM has gone into "Lock out mode" then you will not be able to access it with any diagnostic tool.Direct connection to the CPU board is the only way to unlock and reset the BECM.
Yep, even the dealer Testbook will not do it, you need Faultmate for that.:)
Hi 4x4P38, I know how you feel, exactly the same thing happened to my P38DT ten days ago with the same symptons. I got the local LR dealer round with his diagnostic laptop and he said he couldn't get into the system to tell me where the fault lay as it was totally locked down. I then sent my BECM to Turners Diagnostics, they emailed me yesterday to say that the immobiliser had been locked on and they had removed the immobiliser facility from the BECM as I had asked them to. I hope this will cure the problem.
Hi 4x4P38, I know how you feel, exactly the same thing happened to my P38DT ten days ago with the same symptons. I got the local LR dealer round with his diagnostic laptop and he said he couldn't get into the system to tell me where the fault lay as it was totally locked down. I then sent my BECM to Turners Diagnostics, they emailed me yesterday to say that the immobiliser had been locked on and they had removed the immobiliser facility from the BECM as I had asked them to. I hope this will cure the problem.
Probably sent it on to rick the pick LOL:)
Yeah, I have had a few problems with the immobiliser recently and I've been told that those little weather stations are on the same radio frequency as the P38 immobiliser and lo and behold a guy over the road from me has one on his roof!!! just out of range for a catapult. I'm having the immobiliser facility removed as I can use other anti theft measures and besides there are plenty of Defenders round here, who in his right mind would nick a P38!
Yeah, I have had a few problems with the immobiliser recently and I've been told that those little weather stations are on the same radio frequency as the P38 immobiliser and lo and behold a guy over the road from me has one on his roof!!! just out of range for a catapult. I'm having the immobiliser facility removed as I can use other anti theft measures and besides there are plenty of Defenders round here, who in his right mind would nick a P38!
Disabling the immobiliser will not solve all your problems. You need to update the RF receiver before it burns your lock motors out and flattens your battery, it will then be immune to interference from weather stations etc.

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