
New Member
Hi All

Recent issues with my keys are well documented, however after a while of the car being stood I managed to lock myself out ! Yes I know this was stupid, but I am a clever bugger and managed to get back in but the battery was dead. Following the battery being recharged up again and re connected as the car is some 400 yards from the house in a barn.

I am re entering the eka as the fob is not working and all I am getting is Engine Disabled wont re sync.

I also now cant get any other message apart from fault EAS but I can sort that later...

However I am getting the doomed feeling the BECM needs to see Rick for some TLC, the car will start if it lets me enter the EKA but now we connected its not asking for that I just get 'engine disabled'

Sorry that's not clear enough. If I enter the EKA its just coming about the engine disabled and not starting. I have mozz excellent instructions and these have worked prior to this post.

I locked myself out with the ignition and hence the battery trained as I have found a way in which doesn't do much damage and no breakage.

Thoughts welcome !
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I am thinking its the micro switches (or hoping) in the door

But I have the sinking feeling the becm might be at fault here.

Its not coming up enter EKA code just engine disabled when I try and crank it
No Nanocom or similar diagnostics available?

Is the light by the windscreen flashing or the one on top of the gearstick if it is an auto?
No I never invested in a nanocom :-(

The light stops flashing on the dash when EKA is entered on the door but I can never get it to sync with the fob
I spoke to Moz before and he helped me big time. Since the battery was recharged it hasn't started at all.

I still have the instructions moz sent and follow them to the letter
If the red flashing light goes out then I don't think it is alarmed anymore.

Yours is a 4.0 petrol? 1998?

When I synched my key I did it in the lock. Pressed the unlock button and then unlocked, I think. It was a few years ago now. I do remember I then did it the other way (lock button then unlock with key) and then the unlock procedure again because it didn't do it first time. Not sure if this is your issue though. Mine's a '95 oil burner and I think the alarm changed a bit in 1997.

I have no idea what message you get with that if the BECM looses sync with the engine ECU, if you get a message at all. Sorry.
Yeah tried that, nothing happening. When I then crank it, am getting error message engine disabled which makes me think its the becm.

mine is 4.0se late 1997
Yeah tried that, nothing happening. When I then crank it, am getting error message engine disabled which makes me think its the becm.

mine is 4.0se late 1997
I think it's unlikely to actually be the BECM, faulty door lock, loss of sync and other possibilities come to mind.
Just a wild stab in the dark, but I think the EKA has to be entered with the bonnet closed....

Also, the engine disabled message suggests to me that it's still in lockout mode and you will need to wait 30 minutes before you can enter the EKA again...

I had a bit of trouble getting my keys to resynch after a recent bit of similar entertainment, but they eventually just did.
will keep trying then I have a new door accuator I just need a 28 hour day to fit the bloody thing
Hi yeah I never try the thing with the bonnet open and I have waited 30 mins and open and shut the door following talking to Mozz

I have the instructions Mozz sent and follow them to the letter

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