Disco xs

hi i am looking to replace my old bcu as it is broke and the car is imobalized however would just like some advice as I am not 100% sure on what to do can I buy a used one and reprogram it to my current ecu and cluster even when the car is immobilized if so how do I do so help much appreciated and thanks in advance

Did you ever get your EKA?

is this the D2 still , as you do not say.

No not got it hopefully get it tomorrow (if the computers are working as that was today’s problem after I phoned in advance and took time off work) and hopefully the bcu hasn’t already been changed and the code works just I need car by next Friday and no I don’t I’m afraid looked into a nannocom other day and yes is still the disco 2
Bearing in mind that you were advised to get your EKA code at your first posting ,9 DAYS AGO... then I give up..

Nanocom or other tester is compulsory for BCU replacement you can't do the job without it, as long as it's immobilised you can't do anything
Nanocom or other tester is compulsory for BCU replacement you can't do the job without it, as long as it's immobilised you can't do anything
Ok and I have tried getting code all week if it doesn’t work as I should have it tomorrow apparently computers have been on and off all week as a few times I phoned and they were not working and others they said the will phone back.if this code doesn’t work is it a new bcu ecu and cluster job or can I get away with just bcu im gonna see if the local Landy breaks and garage has one also been told I could use snap on tester if that would work
So, to clarify this:
1. If you can remobilise it with EKA and you have nanocom or similar(hawkeye, lynx, testbook... i doubt that snap-on can program a BCU) you can disable the immobilisers completely and get it running provided it's not a BCU internal failure
2. If you replace the BCU all you need is the tester to program it to the vehicle nothing else
So, to clarify this:
1. If you can remobilise it with EKA and you have nanocom or similar(hawkeye, lynx, testbook... i doubt that snap-on can program a BCU) you can disable the immobilisers completely and get it running provided it's not a BCU internal failure
2. If you replace the BCU all you need is the tester to program it to the vehicle nothing else
No worries is there anything covering how to reprogram the bcu and also if the code fails do I need to buy new ecu bcu and cluster hoping to get at it this weekend
Many thanks
Sorry I thought you meant you needed eka code to do both I didn’t read it propa my bad

What Sierrafery is trying to say (English isn't his first language, so bear with him, please) is that while the vehicle is immobilised no code reader will be able to communicate with it for security reasons.
You need to use either the keyfob or if that fails the EKA to switch off the immobiliser before anything can be programmed.
As he said, a dedicated code reader such as Nanocom, Hawkeye, Lynx or Testbook at the main dealer is necessary to program the BCU. It's extremely unlikely that a generic code reader will even gain access to the BCU.
Reprogramming the BCU can take some time because there are quite a number of settings which need to be checked and if necessary reset.
Sierrafery also gave you a link to a company who for a charge will repair your BCU maintaining your current settings and they will also tell you all the security information which has been set on it including your EKA.
What Sierrafery is trying to say (English isn't his first language, so bear with him, please) is that while the vehicle is immobilised no code reader will be able to communicate with it for security reasons.
You need to use either the keyfob or if that fails the EKA to switch off the immobiliser before anything can be programmed.
As he said, a dedicated code reader such as Nanocom, Hawkeye, Lynx or Testbook at the main dealer is necessary to program the BCU. It's extremely unlikely that a generic code reader will even gain access to the BCU.
Reprogramming the BCU can take some time because there are quite a number of settings which need to be checked and if necessary reset.
Sierrafery also gave you a link to a company who for a charge will repair your BCU maintaining your current settings and they will also tell you all the security information which has been set on it including your EKA.
Ok many thanks sorry for being a pain and thanks for the help I’m not bothered about spending the time reprogramming gonna get the code tomorrow and see what happens and go from there just trying to get some idea about it all and what can be done etc And what costs are likely to be been pricing up for worse case instance
Thanks for the help
There are a couple of considerations to throw in the mix here:-
It might actually be cheaper in the long run to pull your BCU and send it for repair rather than get hold of a second user one. Apart from the reprogramming of a second user one, when you get your unit repaired, it'll be returned to you in near enough new condition with all the faults and weak spots repaired and any upgrades installed. You'll also have the repairer's warrantee to fall back on should things go wrong when you refit it.
Left to me, it's a "no-brainer", I'd go for the repair option.

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