
Active Member
My all comms is giving me an auxiliary input fuse defective message, anyone any idea what this is? I didn't think there was an auxiliary input?
Odd one, never heard of that one!!

A bit of Gooooooooooooogling I think is in order!
I've tried google and not come up with anything. Going off track a bit saint,have you tried the manual debug function on all comms? Or do you know anything about it? I can't find any info on rsw website?
I've tried google and not come up with anything. Going off track a bit saint,have you tried the manual debug function on all comms? Or do you know anything about it? I can't find any info on rsw website?
Didn't wanna feck with that, so I look every know and then...but I have never had the stones to go any further...

Try emailing Storey Wilson and see if he can shed light on your fault code, I have found him to be a really nice guy in the couple of times I have had to email him...obviously be polite and tug your fore-locks :D
I will do, I didn't really want to bother him, all comms is great but it could do with a comprehensive user guide

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