It could mean that it's gone into alarm lockout or it could mean that the CDL switch is faulty, so it's just detecting the key being turned in either direction off the key switch, but it doesn't know whether it's being turned to lock or unlock.
I've got your PM - just got in from work and turned the laptop on so will send you the latch test document, and if that all comes back OK then chances are the BECM has gone into lockout and needs resetting.

Id like to thank everyone who helped me with this problem, Wammers you were spot on with the CDL switch in the door, thank you very much, got a new latch from martyuk and alls well with the world ( for now) Thanks to tomcat59alan as well, grrrrrr and ovalandrover.
Top lads, thank you all,
I had the same problem with mine, the rear passenger door had super locked and jammed. No amount of EKA or re-syncing would do anything until I forced the rear latch to move with a lawnmower battery connected directly to it...glad you found the solution

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