Mark T

Hello everyone, new member here with believe it or not a problem with my RR.
Its a 98 2.5 TD uk spec, which Ive had for about two years now.
The battery went flat through lack of use so i took it off (neg first) and charged it up, you all know whats coming next, put it back on (neg last) and was greeted with "key code lock out"
(The battery is about 18 months old, and when i first put it on there were no problems, car started, fob worked)
The key fob no longer activates the central locking, but I can open or lock the drivers door with the key, all the other doors appear to be super locked as they wont open from inside or out and remain locked. I fitted new batteries to the fob about five months ago without any syncing problems and the red led lights up when pressing the lock unlock buttons. I got the EKA code from Landrover and have been trying to enter it for what seems like eternity all to no avail. Starting with four lock movements then followed by the code, the indicators flash (twice i think, could be three) with every code imput, but the car remains in the same state, if you open the door the alarm goes off and if you try to start it you get engine disabled on the message centre. Ive tried connecting the battery with the key in the ignition (door open) and servos kick in under the bonnet, but still no joy when trying to start the engine just the engine disabled sign and no cranking. I read a lot of the threads on here and was thinking the Becm might be in alarmed state and need a dose of looking at, but Im new to this exciting world of Range Rover security so i could be way off the mark.
If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it (apart from fuel and matches) its been in this state for three weeks now and im finding it a tad frustrating.
Im In Liverpool area
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Hello everyone, new member here with believe it or not a problem with my RR.
Its a 98 2.5 TD uk spec, which Ive had for about two years now.
The battery went flat through lack of use so i took it off (neg first) and charged it up, you all know whats coming next, put it back on (neg last) and was greeted with "key code lock out"
(The battery is about 18 months old, and when i first put it on there were no problems, car started, fob worked)
The key fob no longer activates the central locking, but I can open or lock the drivers door with the key, all the other doors appear to be super locked as they wont open from inside or out and remain locked. I fitted new batteries to the fob about five months ago without any syncing problems and the red led lights up when pressing the lock unlock buttons. I got the EKA code from Landrover and have been trying to enter it for what seems like eternity all to no avail. Starting with four lock movements then followed by the code, the indicators flash (twice i think, could be three) with every code imput, but the car remains in the same state, if you open the door the alarm goes off and if you try to start it you get engine disabled on the message centre. Ive tried connecting the battery with the key in the ignition (door open) and servos kick in under the bonnet, but still no joy when trying to start the engine just the engine disabled sign and no cranking. I read a lot of the threads on here and was thinking the Becm might be in alarmed state and need a dose of looking at, but Im new to this exciting world of Range Rover security so i could be way off the mark.
If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it (apart from fuel and matches) its been in this state for three weeks now and im finding it a tad frustrating.
Im In Liverpool area
Key code lock out should clear after about 30 minutes. Try a conversation with Mozz Smith (envelope symbol top right of page) if he cannot help then Rick the Pick.
When entering the EKA code only try twice then open and close the drivers door, you can do this as many times as needed to get EKA to take without getting keycode lock out. If you can unlock the drivers door with the key but nothing else unlocks you have a problem with the CDL switch in the drivers door lock.
When entering the EKA code only try twice then open and close the drivers door, you can do this as many times as needed to get EKA to take without getting keycode lock out. If you can unlock the drivers door with the key but nothing else unlocks you have a problem with the CDL switch in the drivers door lock.
Have a look at the side light warning light on the dash, it should flash each time the key is turned while you enter the EKA code. If it doesn't then the BECM is not getting the inpulse from the door latch so as Wowsers, I mean Wammers ;), posted, door latch micro switch's. Stripping it and a good clean with contact cleaner may cure it.:)
The indicators should flash ONCE for each of the first 4 turns to lock, before entering the first EKA digit.
As mentioned, then you are inputting the EKA digits, then indicators then won't flash, but the sidelight telltale on the instrument cluster will flash once for each recognised turn of the key. I use this to count the number of registered turns for each digit.
The key in the door will ONLY open the drivers door until the EKA has been accepted - once you've done the last EKA digit, you do a final turn to UNLOCK and then if it's accepted the code, then it will unlock the rest of the doors and allow you to start the vehicle/resync the remote.

As already mentioned aswell, you have to way until KEY CODE LOCKOUT has disappeared from the dash, before it will accept the EKA.

If it isn't allowing the EKA properly, and you would like a copy of my latch microswitch tests, then drop me a message and I'll send them to you - it will give tests and expected results for the microswitches in the drivers door latch.

If the vehicle has a BECM with a software version of 36 or higher (will be printed on the sticker on top of the BECM fuse box) then it will also be possible to enter the EKA using diagnostics (Nanocom etc.)

If none of that works, and the door latch switches check out, then it is likely the BECM has gone into alarm lockout, which is resettable with specialist diagnostics which connect to the CPU chip on the BECM board. But there's plenty to try before it gets to that point!
Thanks Marty, I'm just waiting till its dark enough to see the side light warning marker on the dash. The indicators definitely flash when trying to put in the code, I'll let you know about the side light dash marker in an hour or so.
Cheers Mark
Thanks Marty, I'm just waiting till its dark enough to see the side light warning marker on the dash. The indicators definitely flash when trying to put in the code, I'll let you know about the side light dash marker in an hour or so.
Cheers Mark
Sit somebody in the car to watch, you can also open the window and operate the sill button as you enter the EKA.
The indicators should flash ONCE for each of the first 4 turns to lock, before entering the first EKA digit.
As mentioned, then you are inputting the EKA digits, then indicators then won't flash, but the sidelight telltale on the instrument cluster will flash once for each recognised turn of the key. I use this to count the number of registered turns for each digit.
The key in the door will ONLY open the drivers door until the EKA has been accepted - once you've done the last EKA digit, you do a final turn to UNLOCK and then if it's accepted the code, then it will unlock the rest of the doors and allow you to start the vehicle/resync the remote.

As already mentioned aswell, you have to way until KEY CODE LOCKOUT has disappeared from the dash, before it will accept the EKA.

If it isn't allowing the EKA properly, and you would like a copy of my latch microswitch tests, then drop me a message and I'll send them to you - it will give tests and expected results for the microswitches in the drivers door latch.

If the vehicle has a BECM with a software version of 36 or higher (will be printed on the sticker on top of the BECM fuse box) then it will also be possible to enter the EKA using diagnostics (Nanocom etc.)

If none of that works, and the door latch switches check out, then it is likely the BECM has gone into alarm lockout, which is resettable with specialist diagnostics which connect to the CPU chip on the BECM board. But there's plenty to try before it gets to that point!
Hi Marty,
Just tried entering the EKA and there is nothing lighting up on the dash, but the indicators flash for the four unlock movements and also for each code imput they flash once only per key turn
So looks like the micro switches are working but the Becm has gone into alarm lockout. Am I right ? Looks like a comversation with Rick the Pick
Hi Marty,
Just tried entering the EKA and there is nothing lighting up on the dash, but the indicators flash for the four unlock movements and also for each code imput they flash once only per key turn

You don't do four unlock movements to start with. You do four lock movements central to lock. Then first number of EKA central to unlock. Second number central to lock. Third number central to unlock. Forth number central to lock then one turn to unlock and all doors should unlock and engine should start. Only when EKA has been entered and accepted can fob be synced.
You don't do four unlock movements to start with. You do four lock movements central to lock. Then first number of EKA central to unlock. Second number central to lock. Third number central to unlock. Forth number central to lock then one turn to unlock and all doors should unlock and engine should start. Only when EKA has been entered and accepted can fob be synced.
Sorry that was a miss type, started with four lock movements, not unlock.
Still no side light warning flash on dashboard when putting the code in, and indicators flashed for each code imput

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