There is always going to be divided opinion on the issue, when passionate people disagree you can guarantee there will be fireworks. As far as the 4x4 community is concerned, we are allowed to use 5% of the listed byways and tracks in the national register, I use a B.O.A.T every morning on my way to work, which makes for rather a pleasant commute. as far as the argument that we are ripping up the earth with our vehicles, evidence exists that responsibly driven 4x4 vehicles can actually strengthen pathways by causing a kind of steamroller effect. The major damage comes from irresponsibility, this includes 4x4`s, dirtbikes, walkers, horse riders, farmers and even forestry workers. There are also volunteer groups who look after byways and lanes, for example :

Volunteering Opportunities - The Ridgeway - National Trails

The ridgeway is an excellent example of things getting out of control on both sides when minor celebrities take on the voice of one particular side of the argument to ranging and indeed damaging statements about the other side. You only need to google the ridgeway debate to open up a whole plethora of links relating to the ongoing argument for TRO`s in the area.

The OP has offered us an open forum whatever his motives (although it would seem genuine) it is completely unfair to make unfounded statements about the slant of the OP`s intentions and to slag off members of the general public who also enjoy the outdoors, be it walking, riding, driving or however.

I hope someone who is objective and with a modicum of intellect makes it onto the program because I for one will be really sad if we cannot drive the countryside anymore...
The OP has offered us an open forum whatever his motives (although it would seem genuine) it is completely unfair to make unfounded statements about the slant of the OP`s intentions and to slag off members of the general public who also enjoy the outdoors, be it walking, riding, driving or however.

I hope someone who is objective and with a modicum of intellect makes it onto the program because I for one will be really sad if we cannot drive the countryside anymore...

A quick Google shows anyone that the OP has genuine credentials, and I doubt he posted here thinking we are anything other than a enthusiasts forum who might be able to contribute.

So some of the replies, perhaps including my own jaundiced view, don't bode well for objective intellectual views.

LZ cannot provide a consolidate view only individual members. So referring the OP to mainstream groups is one good idea, as is any interested member here to send their own views. We all have different views and should defend each others right to a view even if we don't agree with it. Goodness knows what his inbox will contain in the morning. :)

My view? I don't have one as I don't off road except through puddles in the local car park at Burnham Beeches.
Is it feasible to start a new thread just for peoples comments and opinions, and after a set time edit them, take out the all the profanities, spell check them ( so we at least sound like upstanding members of the community) and forward the ones with the best arguments to the original poster. Failing that maybe a statement from from LZ by someone on here eloquent enough to put our views across thoughtfully and forcibly and with relevant facts . signed by all the thousands of us on here.
Only thinking out loud, feel free to shoot me down.
Have you thought that this could be the BBC presenting the other side of the argument? Maybe, just maybe, they are trying to be representative of the masses and not out to get you for a change!

I very much doubt it. It would be a first if they did, but I stand to be proved wrong?
I very much doubt it. It would be a first if they did, but I stand to be proved wrong?

Give the chap the benefit of the doubt, and put yourself forward with an open mind. If we put ourselves forward with an instant chip on our shoulders, we will lose the argument before the question is even posed!
Paul for President :)

I like that :) But I would have to bring back hanging!!

I am happy to speak to them, bout would need a lot more info before hand.

First off he has it wriong like everyone else, it is not off roading, it is Laneing!! Then you also have Ramblers and Walkers, they are not the same breed:eek:.
First off he has it wriong like everyone else, it is not off roading, it is Laneing!! Then you also have Ramblers and Walkers, they are not the same breed:eek:.

exactly. here is me walking and laneing... you wouldn't catch me off-roading OR rambling! :eek:


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Walking, Leaning, hill climbing, bungy jumping its all allot of old to much dough cant spend it wisely (me included). this BBC guy should have a wee word with him self and make a documentary on something that really matters, and to put it in perspective lanes, paths bridal ways and the rest of them are only the smallest cuttings of our great country side, the rest of it is getting proper fecked!!!!!!!