please search before yu get crucified.

thanks for warning, expect a few well poss many posts taking the michael, had quick search finding battery issues but no advice on best type to buy, thinking so many types like everthing in this life, would just post for advice,hoping someone would be sensible, your all welcome to ma funneral lol:D
Best regardless of cost? Or best value, given that its going onto a Disco 1? Or best performance? Or best colour? etc

Personally, I like Alpha Batteries (Google them for website) for keen value, and I squeezed in a bigger one. The standard one is type 072, which is 600CCA. Mine is 800CCA type 334/250. I needed to make another battery locating bracket but no other mods, to get it in.

Nice to have an extra 200 for the winch, etc. Oh, and it has a second set of terminals which made connecting the winch cables much neater.
Highest DCA you can find, beans ain't worth much extra folding in my expirence!
Lots of cracking prices on twinterweb now days
Arriving today, will let you know if there is a miraculous change in my 300tdi starting capability

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