Mark Piercy

Well fumbled member....
Full Member

So à duff battery on half its capacity..... Sluggish starter. No radio... So we checked all the earth's. Cleaned and réassembled. Still a sluggish start but now a radio.
Until we mooched and found this little bastid!!
and two others to the left in the drivers wheel arch... Looking à bit dark in colour..

Damn it...
After testng the output from the alternator.
We had 13.56v engine earth to battery live, 12.56v battery voltage at body earth and battery live and this was why. From the chassis earth to battery I also had 13.56v but not from at the body earth.
Résistance test showed 0.01 ohm body to battery negative at many of the earth's. But from the chassis to the battery I had 9.38ohms and also from the engine earth to battery negative.
So I undid the nut and threw it away as it was actually burnt and damaged on the contact face.
I then sanded the earth wire end and wire brushed and had to file the stud to clean off the crap.

Then I sprayed some copper grease on the terminal to protect it. Also the others to the left of the suspension strut.

Réassembled and checked the earth's from all the previous earth points and Booya!!! 0.01ohm at the battery negative from both the engine, chassis and body terminals.
Also matching voltage from all the engine, châssis and body earth points in accordance to the battery live:cool:
Radio returned and its spins the engine into life.
Unfortunately the battery has only half capacity and won't stand up long with any accessories and engine stopped.
I did notice the starter had been changed and I wonder if this issue had led to that being done....
So a new battery is on order and all will be range rover and sporty again.

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