
Going to put her on a full charge and then install a solar panel.....:cool:

Checked for battery drain? BECM not going to sleep etc.

With a good battery, cables and alternator you shouldn't need solar panels unless left unattended for weeks.
Checked for battery drain? BECM not going to sleep etc.

With a good battery, cables and alternator you shouldn't need solar panels unless left unattended for weeks.

That is a worry, car is parked next to my Wireless router (on other side of wall). I though this issue was fixed in the later models?
That is a worry, car is parked next to my Wireless router (on other side of wall). I though this issue was fixed in the later models?

it wasn't, check rf receiver, need to be green dot on it (3rd generation ywy500170), any shade of blue is 1st or 2nd generation.
That is a worry, car is parked next to my Wireless router (on other side of wall). I though this issue was fixed in the later models?
The latest and more stable of the RF Recievers was only released after the final P38 Production so no P38s will have the latest unit unless it has been replaced!
The latest and more stable of the RF Recievers was only released after the final P38 Production so no P38s will have the latest unit unless it has been replaced!

I have mentioned this a few times, but not many seem to have grasped it yet. No P38 was ever fitted with one as standard. :):)
The Mk2 version of the RF receiver is better than the MK1, mine has the MK2 and is parked the other side of the wall from my wireless modem/router and wireless doorbell and so far has not given any trouble, the wall is 3 feet thick though. Only the MK3 is bomb proof. I have posted pictures of the 3 types, will post again if you need it.
Check as a few yanks have bought them not realising the US have a different frequency to the UK

several LR dealer ships have them in stock in USA & Canada, 1/3 price of here but refuse posting to UK, I've tried. Donno what they're doing with them over there.
for what? they have two types in stock, UK & US
So they actually have UK 433Mhz RF receivers in stock?
Must be possible to get them shipped via a third party I would think. Someone on would probably oblige.
So they actually have UK 433Mhz RF receivers in stock?
Must be possible to get them shipped via a third party I would think. Someone on would probably oblige.

Yes, in stock but no shipping to UK, sure if you know a middleman it will be possible, I couldn't be bothered and bought one here when they were £150
Got it all confirmed in long gone emails
Anyone over there that can buy them and forward ?

Yes, in stock but no shipping to UK, sure if you know a middleman it will be possible, I couldn't be bothered and bought one here when they were £150
Got it all confirmed in long gone emails
Westsloperover(spelling) is a yank (or an Brit defector to the US of A) maybe if you tap him up he would oblige!
Only the MK3 is bomb proof.

After following this forum for several months, when I bought the P38 one of the first things I did was to fit the latest RF receiver. This way, I hoped to avoid all those well-documented problems. I also replaced the burnt-out door latches - presumeably a result of earlier RF problems.

All was well until a few weeks ago when I delivered some visitors back to their hotel in the port area of Alicante. When I left the car the remote locking didn't work [big clue!!], so I used the key. Of course, when I returned to the car I also had to use the key to unlock the car. By now you will know what happened next - the ENGINE DISABLED message.

Fast forward through a couple of hours of trying anything I could think of - EKA, disconnect and reconnect battery etc. - I finally 'phoned the insurance company and arranged for a tow truck and went to warn the car park attendant that we need barriers lifting etc..

He asked me what the problem was - I told him about the Engine Disabled message.
He said - Is it a Range Rover? - Yes.
Is it a Mark 2 - Yes.
That'll be radio interference then!
I conceded that that was a possibility.
NO, he said, it's a certainty. When the tow truck comes we'll move your car up the road a hundred metres. Then it'll start.

He explained that there is a high powered radio transmitter or radar somewhere in the port and that the particular car park I had used was vulnerable to strong interference. He was right. In fact we only had to move the car 5 or 6 metres and the dashboard message changed to START ENGINE. I needed no further prompting.

So, better, but not quite "bomb proof".
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After following this forum for several months, when I bought the P38 one of the first things I did was to fit the latest RF receiver. This way, I hoped to avoid all those well-documented problems. I also replaced the burnt-out door latches - presumeably a result of earlier RF problems.

All was well until a few weeks ago when I delivered some visitors back to their hotel in the port area of Alicante. When I left the car the remote locking didn't work [big clue!!], so I used the key. Of course, when I returned to the car I also had to use the key to unlock the car. By now you will know what happened next - the ENGINE DISABLED message.

Fast forward through a couple of hours of trying anything I could think of - EKA, disconnect and reconnect battery etc. - I finally 'phoned the insurance company and arranged for a tow truck and went to warn the car park attendant that we need barriers lifting etc..

He asked me what the problem was - I told him about the Engine Disabled message.
He said - Is it a Range Rover? - Yes.
Is it a Mark 2 - Yes.
That'll be radio interference then!
I conceded that that was a possibility.
NO, he said, it's a certainty. When the tow truck comes we'll move your car up the road a hundred metres. Then it'll start.

He explained that there is a high powered radio transmitter or radar somewhere in the port and that the particular car park I had used was vulnerable to strong interference. He was right. In fact we only had to move the cat 5 or 6 metres and the dashboard message changed to START ENGINE. I needed no further prompting.

So, better, but not quite "bomb proof".

Nothing RF is bomb proof against really high power transmissions. Years ago when calculators used thing called Nixie tubes for display (basically neon tubes with metal numbers in them) we had a client in the north where we delivered a dozen new units. After a couple of weeks we had a call from the client to complain that at certain times all the digits in every tube lit at the same time. Turned out to be due to experimental military transmissions.

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