
New Member
hello everyone.
i am going to take my sons camping to the lakes march/april and they need to charge various things should i get another battery and a duel charging circuit or should i just opt for the easier option of getting a power pack that can be charged via the tab lighter ,:crazy:
hello everyone.
i am going to take my sons camping to the lakes march/april and they need to charge various things should i get another battery and a duel charging circuit or should i just opt for the easier option of getting a power pack that can be charged via the tab lighter ,:crazy:
The second option sounds better tae me,,,,, plus alot more practical,:)
well a battery would have to be fixed and would be good for a winch or summat, but a pack could be used for more options.
If they're (you're) staying on 'normal' sites you might be able to get an electric hook-up ... I just used a caravan hookup to an RCD socket when I last camped. But with the choices given I'd say powerpack too, far more flexible to use.

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