Dont tighten it any more...generally it will slip a little if it gets are risking overtightening it. If the light never comes on in the dry its fine.
I am a prat.

The ford's back. Just taken the truck through it.

Low ratio second (just to be safe) and it just went through. No problem.

Battery light came on, but only dimly, so I guess I need to tighten it a little more.

Now I just need to work out where the leak is that means my feet get wet...

Thanks to everybody who's put up with me!
The prob with the Tdi, & most turbodiesels is that when the engine revs drop too low as they did in your case, the turbo stops providing any boost. You are then trying to push through the water with hardly any torque. In order to regain the engine revs and the boost from the turbo, you need to use a lower gear and accelerate, which you can't do because you aint got enough torque to accelerate against the drag of the water. which is why you need a low gear and plenty of revs when you first enter the water, so that you can maintain a high enough engine speed to keep the turbo spinning. As for the water leak, that could be from anywhere. One thing Land Rovers aint, is waterproof.
storm99 said:
If the light never comes on in the dry its fine.
OK. Thank you.
gas said:
hope you got axel breather pipes if you playing in water
Not been in anything too deep - don't want to get stuck on my own. I did buy a breather kit though - just waiting for it not to be wet so I can fit it
martin1512 said:
The prob with the Tdi, & most turbodiesels is...
Ah, excellent explanation. Thank you.
One thing Land Rovers aint, is waterproof.
I've learned that - finding it half the fun!!

Thank you all, again.

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