You may be right but Discool has to be within a metre to connect, whereas mine works inside the house about 5 metres away if I stand at the window. Of course that could be cos he's is in a Disco and mine in an L322.
Or maybe different obstacles in the way of the Bluetooth signal, bricks, glass, ironwork etc etc or even different phone!
You may be right but Discool has to be within a metre to connect, whereas mine works inside the house about 5 metres away if I stand at the window. Of course that could be cos he's is in a Disco and mine in an L322.
Thanks for the helpful comparison.:)
I have a new phone so went out and paired it with the battery monitor and straight away it connected so a lot quicker than with my older 2017 phone. Both phones are same brand, Moto.

On checking the range the app came alive while walking towards my disco, so in the interest of accuracy, out with a tape and a quick measure it was 5.5 metres from the discos battery position. Any windows are at least 8 metres so out of range and double glazed so no chance.

Tried the old phone again, but as aways with that phone I had to stand by the bonnet, so two + years of thinking the item was a failure.
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Sounds a bit bad,I tested my relays today and all seemed okay.Garage told me to check for heat on them which is a clever idea.
So used a laser thermometer.
Just a cheap one i have from e bay about £10.
They all measured 28.6C in the main, plus or minus 0.2.
So no further forward battery is holding its charge on the car am checking twice a day.
I m not sure about zero resistance sounds not right,11.7 dc is low but perhaps it can be saved.

The battery is an old ****ter that I just use the test stuff on the bench.
I bought one of these when I was fixing up my FBH, much easier than messing with a big f@@k off battery.

Hi all,
to give you all who kindly tried to help me with this.Here is an update.

Battery checked every day for 7 days it dropped 0.06volts DC over 24 hours which I think is within what would be expected. This was every 24 hours clock work which was a bit spooky.

I have charged it again with CTEK and it cut off charge at 12.86VDC,24 hours later it was reading 12.76VDC,i think this happens on a fresh charge.

I also checked every wire i could, scanned with Nanocom and cannot find a fault to cause this. .......Sprayed contact spray on stuff
I took Disco out for a run of about 50 miles and he went fine.
I have not bought a new battery yet, still might.
When i bought Disco he had the wrong type of battery fitted ..unsealed with a drain tube, it was quite new YUASA, so i bought Exide sealed which is fitted.So one is 2 years old and the other just on a year old...Reluctant to buy another.

Going to Newbury 4x4 the weekend Disco will have a good run to this...carrying jump leads in case.

Thank you all for your suggestions and help.

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