Mat B

New Member
Ive had a problem which started a few months back where if i left the car over night the battery would be flat. I changed the battery for a new one and this seemed to cure the problem until now. Once again i leave the car over night and the battery is dead?
Is this a common problem? Is so is there anything i can try to eliminate this
Many thanks Matt

forgot to say it a 4.6 p38
How often do you use your Landy? is it for short trips? the trouble is you have a hole heap of electronic stuff in side your Landy all checking this and that even when its not being used and that can be a drain on the battery, mine isn’t as bad as yours with battery drain but i have a 1958 SII Landy and i go to work in that, but now and then i have to take it to work just to top the battery up, and my wife uses the P38A for shopping trips most days so its mostly left at home for her etc, and being a diesel it uses a lot of power on start up (Glow plugs i guess) and she dose a lot of starting up and stopping , when I got out side for a fag (i’m not allowed to smoke in the house!!) I can here the car making noises even after it has been left alone for 8 hours (spooky I know) also have you re charged the battery? If you have ALWAYS use trickle charge NEVER fast, it will strip the plates and you’ll have a weak battery, and it will last a lot longer if you have to keep recharging it, also when you replaced it what it the correct rating (like for like) when you changed it, do just say yes to that question go and have a look and make sure that’s what they did, never take anything a dealer or mechanic dose as correct, (some I know are good and can be trusted, but always check, it cost you nothing to check the job is done right) like new parts always suspect them if you still have a problem, I have had too many bad parts from generic part makers to trust them any more, I would say if your doing less than 25-30 miles a day (non stop) then that’s not enough to re charge it
Hi. Had the exact problem with mine. Turned out to be the BECM keep being woken up by neighbours remote garage door, wireless broadband etc. What happens is the Becm shuts downs after a few minutes when you switch of your motor. Whilst the Becm is awake it draws a couple of amps off the battery. Now if you have the interference I had near my P38 it will wake up, draw amps for a few minutes, switch off, wake up draw amps for a few minutes, switch off, etc. Over a couple of days = flat battery.
To see if this is doing this lock the RR, and at night when it is dark look through the drivers window and see if the little red light is glowing on the gear selector. If it is then something nearby is waking up your Becm.
Quick fix is to disconnect the wires to the black box in the boot (right hand side under the radio aerial in the glass, follow the wire down under the interior).
You will only be able to lock the RR with the key but it does solve the problem.
You can get an upgrade box from Land Rover that doesn't suffer from the interference for about £150.00. Not sure of the part number now but if you use the search engine on this good site you will find a million people who have had this problem and posts to fix the problem and the part number to the new box. Good luck.
The part required is YWY500170, Modified RF Receiver.

Beamends sell them for £120.40p +v.a.t and postage.

You could try Flea Bay, but don't buy the earlier versions.

Its only the YWY500170, that works properly.
Had the same problem, change the rf receiver job done. I had a new central heating system fitted with remote thermostat that woke my car up.
did you get this sorted, I'm suffering random over one night battery drain and am not keen to drop £150 until i'm sure on a new reciever
try pulling the two heated front screen fuses-have a look at my thread you will see I have a similar weird issue
hi i had a drain on my disco it was the heated rear window i took the fuse out from under bonet for the heated window. hope this helps dave
Dont buy the receiver from ebay, some people have said they got the old one in a new box, obviously, someone has bought the new one and replace the old one in the new box, and then sold it on o ebay........its one a few ££ more from island 4x4

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