I did suspect a drain on my RR too. Just before I changed the battery I wanted to be certain that my battery is clapped out. I checked the drain with a multimeter and when the car was locked and in the beginning the draw was 4A then it was dropping slowly and in like 5 minutes fallen to around 0.3-0.4A and stayed there.

If the draw stays high simply connect the multimeter and look at the read out while you pull out the fuses one by one until it goes. :)

Any after market audio or lighting or any bodge jobs on your L322?
A Vehicle battery at 5.XX volts is well fecked....

Below 11.3 volts is a kanckered and dead battery!
It seems to be charging ok but your probably right. It's been drained and recharged a fair bit and I can guess it had been done a few times before I got it to. Shame as its only 2 months old

No dodgy fixes or after market stuff to my knowledge but hard to tell.
So all seems ok
Car started fine this morning even with a battery that wasn't fully charged and is far to small for the car. Fingers crossed I cracked it.
I would feel stupid for missing something so obvious if the previous owner hadn't had a bill for several hours of diagnostic work to find the fault and they still didn't find it.
I went through all this on my mate's L322 TD6 recently. Turned out it was the bonnet switch triggering the alarm system. Indicators would flash but no sounder !! Anyway it drained the battery so much it struggled to keep a charge. Then I used my Ring Automotive charger to try & recover the battery. After 3 attempts the battery recovered quite well (about 95%). Finally disconnected bonnet switch and the triggering stops. Switch did seem intermittent on my ohm-meter.

As far as the sleep mode current is concerned, the L322 seems to go through several stages. After locking it stays are 3-4A for many seconds (maybe 30). Then after about 2 minutes drops below 1A, but the real check is 5-10 mins later when it should be about 50mA.

Final bench test for the battery was using Dash Bulb as 50mA load over 3 days, after which it retained 12.5V and more importantly the ability to lock, unlock & start the car. Problem solved. . . . . car sold.
I might try to resurrect the battery but it's only 2 months old so might try and get a replacement. Although I don't know where it was bought and don't have a receipt
Morning All,
Possible stupid question but has anyone heard of a drain that happens when sleeping that could be related to the fuel pump failing a couple of days later?

Bit of a coincidence?

Really not sure how to get to bottom of my 7 amp draw on a 2003 4.4
Hi I am having same problem I have changed fsr sill going flat over twenty four hours where to look next?

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