simon 1234

New Member
i checked my battery last night and the voltage was 12.65 and now at 1pm it is down to 12.62 is that acceptable or would you say i have a drain
ideal it has been draining the battery in a couple of days so i have disconnected the becm so i hoping that will stop it
ideal it has been draining the battery in a couple of days so i have disconnected the becm so i hoping that will stop it

You have disconnected the BECM? That's pretty drastic and likely to cause you all sorts of problems including loss of sync, try disconnecting the RF receiver as that's the most likely cause of flat batteries.
With the BECM disconnected, there should be nothing draining the battery apart perhaps for the clock as just about everything is controlled by the BECM so I would say that 12.6 volts is not so good.
sorry i ment i have disconnected the rf receiver the black box in the boot on right handside is that still bad

Disconnect the blue aerial wire, leave the other connector with 3 wires connected. If it's just stray RF keeping the BECM awake, that will fix it. If the RF receiver itself is duff you will still have a battery drain problem and maybe it will burn out the locks:eek:
Not convinced from your battery voltage that your battery is good.
fun you should say that i am having problems with locking ,the front passenger doesnt work at all unless you lift the lever the back 2 work off the key fob and the boot and drivers door on the key could that be due to a faulty rf reciever
i have just noticed now it is getting dark there is a faint glow on the park light by the gear stick wouldnt that indicate a faulty reciever
i have just noticed now it is getting dark there is a faint glow on the park light by the gear stick wouldnt that indicate a faulty reciever

That indicates that the BECM is not going into sleep mode, commonly caused by the RF receiver. Locks not working may may the motors have burnt out also due to the RF receiver but there are many other reasons for locks not working.
I would suggest you fit the latest version of the RF receiver. do a search for deatails and the part number.

Low battery voltage can also cause all sorts of strange problems.
Simon, did you read all of DATATEK's replies. 12.6volt is hardly a brilliant battery to start with.

Then my personal hobby horse, put some sort of location into your details. Not enough for a thief to track you down but enough for a local, helpful bod on here to maybe offer to help you out.

I had the same problem, changed the RF reciever and was still draining the battery. After a lot of trial and error ( and lots of swearing ) it turned out the bulb in the glovebox was permanently on due to a defective switch, its now nice and dark in the glovebox and the car actually starts if I leave it for 2 days on the drive
My battery drain saga started about 2 months ago, the battery is 6 months old, no drain issues with the alternator, or any other electrical. So after reading some of the threads here I dived in and changed the RFreceiver, no problems since.

Got mine from Island 4x4, cost £169 with VAT, no postage charged. My old one had a blue dot on it and Island sent one with a green dot. Spoke to them they told me that the green dot was the modified one and it will work with my remote. They were spot on.

Irt just goes to show what a useful bunch you all are and the wealth of knowledge held on this forum is fantastic.


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