
New Member
Hi guys!

I have a 1998 R reg 300tdi Discovery 1. And it's great :). But when I was driving it the other day, the battery light kept flickering on and off on my dashboard. I phoned my brother to ask what it meant, and he told me to take it to him so he could have a look. He says the battery itself is fine, and that the problem lies with the alternator.

Possible issues could be:
- mud in the alternator from when I took it off-roading (and didn't wash it...):rolleyes:
- loose connection on one of the three wires going into the back of the alternator - I've tried pushing it back in, but as soon as I start the engine up, it seems to shake free-er again.
- other!

It's now got to the stage where the light stays on. It comes on when I do about 2000 rpm, after which the rev counter thing just drops off and doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas of what could be wrong, and what I would need to do to go about getting it fixed, without being ripped off at a garage preferably?

Cheers in advance!:)
first check the connector to the starter motor (disconect the bat first ) clean it off and re set it in place yes it could be the altinator which is an easy fix new apx £80
The connector that shakes loose on the alternator and drives the tachometer (rev gauge) is a known weak point .. take it off and replace with a good, well made, lead and connector and make sure it's a good fit to the alternator, then take it from there.
Aha! Where would I get hold of that connector?!

And I'm not sure what the starter motor is to be able to check it...
It's a normal spade connector ... Cut the old one off, though cleaning it and bending the sides a tad will help short-term, check the wire is good, make a decent connection to a new connector, push it on the alternator ...
It sound's like you have dirt under the brushes.
If you take the plastic cover off the back & there should be 3 or 4 small bolts that hold the bushes in place (spring loaded), clean the ends & put back together.
Just in case anyone was wondering, I got the problem fixed. It needed a new alternator, and the most awesome guys with a garage near lincoln helped me out! Would definitely recommend them! I am now a happy Tiff!!:)

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