Crap , dirt , **** and oil al the way around and inside.
Not sure how old it is or how long it was inside.

Guess it's beyond refurbishing by the looks of it.
Looks like melted plastic!!
Probably needs more than 'wipe gently with a non abrasive cloth'
Wow that was quick delivery on the replacement if its not putting out 14.7v you could fit the uprated regulator to the new one and all will be right in the world:)
Well, I got the one I been recommended earlier and is in now.
1.5 hours in the rain and that thing is replaced.

Not tested yet, need to get dry first.
Bit I guess the old one was just too old and needed replacing by.

Hopeful it has the right rating so I don't need to get it out again.
Test will tell.

Not sure if the old one had 14.7.
That's quite a coating of dried oil and road dirt:eek: The alternator would clean up no problem, new bearing and regulator and it would be as good as new:D
State of that probably best to consider full rebuild - slip ring, regulator, rectifier, bearings.
I hate it too, but i also hate throwing days at a project, put at all back together to find it goes pop before you're off the drive.. I've got my old alternator still, i can do something like that when I'm bored and nothing better to fix lol
I had a side line repairing and testing alternators, do the bearings, regulator, diode pack and if needed the slip rings and you would have to be unlucky to get a failure, only the windings are left and they rarely fail. Most often all that was needed was brushes although I would change the pully end bearing for safety.

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