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Some thieving scum have stolen my Southdown Snorkel!
If I sound upset it's because I am. It took ages to save up for and a weekend of my very limited free time to fit and now some robbing git has ripped it off my Disco last night. :( They've had the brackets as well so I guess someone has taken it to fit to their Disco rather than just a pikey nicking it for the metal.

It makes me sick to know that someone has come onto my property and had their hands on my stuff. I hope they develop genital warts and their arsehole sticks shut.
Robbing ****bag! Know exactly how you feel...not a snorkel in my case but was burgled a few years back. Horrible feeling knowing some filthy scrotum has the bloody nerve to think what we've worked hard for belongs to them. :mad2:
Makes me sick . I worked it out recently that one actually expends LESS effort in working to earn the money to buy stuff than one does by stealing it . The real problem is them that BUY the stolen goods offered for sale . There is NO victimless crime , in this sense at least , someone always suffers when one buys knock off gear , even when stolen from a big company the security guard who was on duty gets it in the neck .

SO , we all have to make sure we dont buy knocked off stuff and if we find we inadvertantly have , we try to give it back . We need to destroy the market for stolen goods . If anyone tells you they have got a bargain off the back of a lorry , tell them what you think of that . Make it uncceptable .

When I lived in the city and lots of stuff got stolen from work car and home I made a point of engraving postcodes and phone numbers inside stuff , tools , equipment along with letting it be known I would buy back . If I was offered other peoples kit I often took it from the sellers if I could or even bought it , gave it back to the real owners along with the sellers details . My stolen stuff began to come back to me too , even if was a year or two late . Not all of it , but it was a start .

Im sorry this has happened to you but this is a good time to deal with this subject , few have us have not been victims and most of us have benefitted from dubious bargains in the past . Its time we worked together to sort this out because the police dont care .
tossers pal. I'll have that, its not mine but ****ed it,as it soon will be. Think we need to start looking at the south african anti theft devices. Shame they will never get legalized in this counrty. Really feel for you pal.

I got burgled a couple of year ago,
Police got the lanky streak of **** through his prints.

He got charged and the mrs got summons in to go to court. so knew his name now.

Then he gets let off as it was thrown out of court cause the **** was questioned without a he was let off.

F**KIN joke

Lanky streak of **** wasnt laughing for long though. he was f**kin sorry he ever came near mine
this is the downside with eblag, some bargains but I expect at some point someones pride and joy is being sold off bit by bit. td5 headlights, snorkel etc,

just so happens that a southdown snorkel appeared a few mins ago too!! Telford damage to wing mount. Shame that society makes you think the worst when genuine sales come up.
Its time we worked together to sort this out because the police dont care .
I hate generalisations like this, it ****es me right off. Would it not be more accurate to say some police dont care or the police appear powerless to catch some criminals because of lack of evidence, resources or such like? I was a police constable for 27 years and I was a thief catcher. I hate crime and its effects on society and to be honest so did most of my colleagues I worked with. I deliberately refused to go down the promotion trail as I wanted to be out there catching criminals so you can understand why I get ****ed off when these phrases are used to describe the "police". Yes there are tossers in the police, it wasn't the first colleague that was faced by an angry man (me) when they didn't pull their weight but overall the police do care. I can, of course, only speak from my experience in the Scottish Police and from various blogs on this site, it sounds as though many English Forces do not match the same standards as I knew when I was a plod. I did spend 6 months in the 80's investigating car crime in my patch and my colleague and I recovered over 20 grands worth of stolen motors/parts. Rant over, deep breaths, I hate car thieves.:mad:
I am sorry to have upset you then but the general attitude of many I speak to is just as I say . It may not be true , there are I am sure wonderful dedicated effective officers hard at work . I have several good friends on various forces . But the perception many people have is that the local police do not care about their needs .

I do not wish to start a personal argument , PM me if you must , I do not intend to insult you or your friends but I stand by that statement and many would agree with me . On the whole , in my area certainly , people are frustrated and angry . Can we leave it there as far as public discussion goes , maybe start another thread to discuss this rather than de rail this thread ?
I am sorry to have upset you then but the general attitude of many I speak to is just as I say . It may not be true , there are I am sure wonderful dedicated effective officers hard at work . I have several good friends on various forces . But the perception many people have is that the local police do not care about their needs .

I do not wish to start a personal argument , PM me if you must , I do not intend to insult you or your friends but I stand by that statement and many would agree with me . On the whole , in my area certainly , people are frustrated and angry . Can we leave it there as far as public discussion goes , maybe start another thread to discuss this rather than de rail this thread ?
No problem with your comments, you are entitled to your opinion which is formed from your experiences. I just hate generalisations, like all soldiers are baby killers, all Americans are, hold that one...hee hee.:D
No problem with your comments, you are entitled to your opinion which is formed from your experiences. I just hate generalisations, like all soldiers are baby killers, all Americans are, hold that one...hee hee.:D

Watch it flat foot:p:p:p:p You got good doughnut shops up there:D

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