New Member
I am about to buy a 90 200/300 tdi and was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice.
Most of the vehicles that are in my buget (3-5K) are as you would expect, getting on a bit, and have what seems to me to be fairly high milage. I know that these engines have a reputation for going on and on if looked after, but realisticly if I buy one with say, 100,000 on the clock, how long before serious problems are likely to appear?. I know that each case is different but there is a generaly a life expectancy in most things. Another thing that worries me is the gearbox, same question.
I would be able to have a go at doing most of the work on it myself, leaving the really tricky stuff to the experts.
Im all for taking the odd risk, but at the same time I have always had a bit of an issue when it comes to parting with a lot of hard earned money for something that might be, er..... a bit ****. I want a vehicle that I can keep on the road for a while that is fairly straightforward to maintain. Obviously if I could afford it, I would go for something newer with a lower milage, but I wouldnt want a TD5, with all its fancy electrickery!
Maybe Im worrying about it too much. I really want a defender, and like any vehicle, its bound to have things go wrong with it, and I certainly dont want any of this modern car nonsence, where you get charged £700 for someone to plug it into a laptop.
So although £3-5K is a lot of anyones money, I do appear to be looking at the arse end of this particular market. If anyone could be kind enough to impart some pearls of wisdom from their own experiences and help me to avoid a "School for Scoundrels" car buying experience, I would be extremely grateful.

most tdi's 200 or 300 will do around 200,000 as long as you look after them, whatever you decide on make sure you fit a new canbelt and drop the oil and filter for freshthat way you are starting as you mean to go on ;)
Thanks for that, gives me a little more hope. Just hope I can find a good one now. So does everyone else that I know, because I have been talking about it for ages and must have bored the teets off them all.
Enough of the talking and time to put my money where my mouth is.

much obliged

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