
New Member
Whilst you folks are in the mood, I;ve been trying to buy a set of a bars (chrome) with me chrissy present money from her in doors. But the EU people seem to have the hump and are going to ban them unless they are EU approved (and none are) or so the nice men in the shops are telling me. Uk government arm pits from hell have aparently agreed to abide by the EU ruling but I am told that if I contact a euro company (who by the way made the rule) I can still get them with out any problems. Deeeeeeeer!!!!! is it me thats barmy or what. British manufacturers loosing the business to johnny foreigner again becouse of a johnny;s foreigner rules.
If we where French we would all park our 4x4s on the motorways like they did with there tractors over the price of deisel. Grrrrrrrre:mad:.
It,s a 96 and yes your right the nice man in the shop also said this but they are now in short suppy, as UK manufacturers have stoped making them. Or am I being fed a line becouse of the xmas demand?
nah the bloke is prob right it might be best to look to the septics as they can use bars still, either that or the ausies they have some mad bars (roo bars)
I live down in Devon (not a local) thought Id get that in first, I,ve not found any roos yet but there are some bl....dy big sheep the ausy bars would be good for them.
dunt you get them pony fing wanderin about in the road down there?
all we get is deer, foxes and badgers
I heard an article on the radio the other evening. Some guy collects road kills and takes them home for eating, he recons badger is pritty tasty but I think the tyre rubber would be a bit tough.