
Active Member
Hello all,

Was wondering if anyone has got there landys with a bare aluminium finish? If so have you got any pics and info on how you did it? Cheers
Here you go...... ok it's a Series, not a Defender, but you get the idea:

PS - It's not mine, and I don't know how/why it was done!! ;)


That engine bay perspex is soon going to be covered with oil! :hysterically_laughi

nitromors, alot of care, time and attention. A very experienced tin smith and some varying grades of polishing compound
That is awesome. Don't think it will be too practical, but looks bloody ace right now.
Can't see that ever getting muddy. So totally pointless pile of ****e then??
I seem to remember Land-Rover having something to do with that series 3, apprentice show piece or what not.
As for owning one yourself, I presume the whole point would be to have it looking shiny all the time? I think you'd be out side polishing the thing every other day, as ally goes dull/corrodes left bare.
You could clear coat lacquer it after polishing, but it might scratch or go milky.
And there's the external steel bits to consider!
Best off with a respray (in silver?) I reckon.
Pinched from another forum, not mine.




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