most folk either have a larf or mutter to themselves and then ignore it. but then you have The Turnips.. these are the ones that turn up and think everything should be the way they like it and woe betide anyone that has a differing outlook from them. in their first few posts they will be telling us all how is really good and that in the forum they admin called nothing like this would ba allowed.
these are usually follwed by a question along the lines of " don't this forum have moderators to sort this kinda thing"?
God, dont they know a bit of hummor is good for the soul, **** this is my first forum outting and its wicked, but you allways get one, life cannot be lived in cotton wool....
Aye, tis a bit like working in Engineering. These PC do-gooders wouldn't last their first day on a shop floor, you have to give as good as you get to earn respect and take it like a man ;)
Jeez, Aye say you chaps this fred has gorne somwhat orf topic end jest to get it beck on topic aye wed lake to say thet aye'll probebley be trying to do semthing abite the crep jeb aye meyed orf paynting may belkhead.
nice one bro, is the toy ready for a weekend of abuse yet, not gonna make it to easy for you, rocks, mud, water etc, i am all ready for the off, looks like its just gonna be you and us hitting the wildlife by the looks of things....
nice one bro, is the toy ready for a weekend of abuse yet, not gonna make it to easy for you, rocks, mud, water etc, i am all ready for the off, looks like its just gonna be you and us hitting the wildlife by the looks of things....

It's ready for its first outing......I think:eek:
Just gota top the tank up and its good to go :D

we dint need no directions, we take that route so often we can find the way blind folded

lol:D , Havent really had a proper look round yet, But it seems a freindly place to pop into from time to time :)

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