Yup -
1. Get in landy.
2. Drive up lane.
3. Stop outside pub.
4. Get out of landy.
5. Get into pub.
6. Stagger home 11 hours later.
7. Walk back up lane next day.
8. Get into landy.
9. Drive back down lane.
10. Park outside house.
11. Go indoors and log onto landyzone until pub opening time.
Repeat 1 to 11 until bank holiday over.
supposed to be laning on wednesday with hottotty85, friday looks like i'm off oop north for a ford wrc test, also got to get up to cumbria for a set of wheels and tyres that i won on ebay, but yes mite be up for some laning over weekend, let us know wot you are thinking of. (ta for the pm)
Well hello there little brother, fancy finding you on here, i dont know if your able to use this site coz you have a jap inbred toy truck, they only allow real trucks on here i think, hope your ready to get wet & muddy this weekend then if only for a day and a bit, coz you have to wimp out for a nissan car club bbq and miss the muddy fun in willts....
oh sorry :eek: , i thought they are ment to be pritty good offroad but i take it im wrong lol

Nissans my car;) not my tonka toy.

As I'm the noob ,and as this is a Land rover site, I'll let that slide, And will not get drawn into a who's willys bigger contest :rolleyes: cos I know mine is your wife told me so:D
Nissans my car;) not my tonka toy.

As I'm the noob ,and as this is a Land rover site, I'll let that slide, And will not get drawn into a who's willys bigger contest :rolleyes: cos I know mine is your wife told me so:D

cheers mate but i would say you need to lay off the wife jokes as i dont take to kindly to that sort of s**t :mad:
cheers mate but i would say you need to lay off the wife jokes as i dont take to kindly to that sort of s**t :mad:

gawd yer down here causin bother aswell, ah tell you, you're so far up yer own arse, you can see yer own feet
Stu I can see your not really cut out for this sort of forum Mayby you should pack up and leave while your ahead.
Oh eck, this has turned to a slanging match now, so whos gonna draw first blood, i see no harm in the odd wife joke helps keep them on there toes...
oh! dint worry about it, it would seem he's bin asleep for 300 odd years and hasn't got to grips with the way some forum are,yet!
Oh, one of those neanderthol types, (not to good at spelling this early in the day) i say yesterday someone having a dig at some on in another area on here, laughed myself silly to read it,...

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