
New Member
I have got a problem with my Freelander 99 model diesel , was driving it yesterday when a banging sound started from underneath, took it to a garage who put it up on the ramps jacked it up to see if the wheels were turning freely which they are front and back, the garage seem to think it might be the IRD , what are the symptoms of this going, The prop shaft seems to be ok and is turning freely
have a look at the rear diff rubber mounts common fault is the front one i have replaced about 20 of these in the past 2 years
Booked in to get looked at on tuesday, if it is the IRD do you get places that re con them like you do with gearboxes ?
i had a bnging sound when driving FL dealer had it for 2 days they said it was a rear exhust still they same after thta was replaced.

i got it back and took my son out to see if he could track down where the sound was comeing from oppened the sun roof and found that the ariel and split ad was banging on the roof.

problem solved.

I would check the rear diff mounts and VCU mounts first. This is a DIY job to check and will save you the cost of someone looking at it. Recommend that you consider taking it to a LR specialist (not necessarily a dealer) rather than your local garage - could end up costly if they suggest changing your IRD just because of a few knocks from under the car.


I know all the rear diff mounts were changed in the last few months, and the sub frame mountings were welded up as 1 of the captive nuts had come loose, The VCU seemed to be working to me when jacked up, hadnt dont the tipp ex test on it though
i usually pull into a secluded layby:p

... groan ...

Macd001, worth checking the VCU mounts, as they are not related to the good operation of the VCU - they are more correctly called propshaft bearings - suspect paticularly if the noise is a thumping or thud from under the vehicle when going over bumps or changing gear.


Did it cure the fault in the end ? I get a grinding noise from mine which seems to be coming from the middle of the bulk head and heading towards the passenger front wheel. Its noisier when slowing down to about 1500rpm in second gear. Did yours do this as i suspect my IRD has gone. Done the tippex test and that's fine so the VCU SEEMS OK.

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