we have a 110 landi

could somebody please tell me anything else i could put in my 2 collies, my little boy and the pram, camping gear etc etc etc
Well i cant wait to see the 4x4 causing absolute choas in the centre of london if they put tax up or try to ban it,i will gladly park somewhere really awkwood so they cant get traffic moving,im getting fed up with the stupid rules and taxes applied to me but has it not always been this way,rant rant one annoyed down troden peasent.
From what LITTLE I've seen, any further tax will be on engine size as opposed to vehicle type.
These wallies don't seem to realise that to buy and run a big car you have to pay through the nose in tax anyway, wether it's through car tax, salary or huge amounts of fuel consumed, if you can afford those then you're probably paying a fortune in council tax. Those that pay in this way are contributing a lot more to society (financialy) than someone on £20k a year who drives Clio and rents a flat.
Maybe I've becom a snob, I hope not. I used to live in a bed-sit in slough and through sheer bloody hard work we've got what we have today. Society seems to relish kicking you, wether you're up or down.
Very true wavey davey they kick everyone were it hurts,but like me thats only on 20k a year if im lucky,i have 3 kids to support and why should i have to pay extra on tax as you so rightly said we do anyway buy how much our vehicles use in fuel because they are heavier,we all have a right to decide our own fate in life and its slowly being taken away from power to the people cant wait for the revolution.
your not wrong there just want to have a bit of fun before i die and get dirty and wet in my 300 as long as i can afford to run it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a look at your site and had an idea waveydavey. There should be a campaign against saloon cars because they take up too much road space, have no practical defense and pollute the environment!
Thanks for taking a peek.
Of course, the urban 4x4's that are getting moaned about aren't proper off-roaders.
They are glorified huge saloon cars that happen to have 4x4 transmition.

Banning all saloon cars would be nice, then we could remove all that lovely flat tarmac and have fun off-road all the way to work. Also the car parks would have plenty of space.
My view is that we tend to drive slower, can see over the other traffic and thus have better road awareness, can spot problems sooner and are by far easier to spot coming. If you look at accident statistics 4x4 vehicles are well down on the list and the boy racers are way up. Not many teenagers thrash round doing hand brake turns in 4x4's as they tend to go inverted if you push them like that due tp the centre of gravity, oh and SAABs do loess mpg than a range rover too.
When we go out out as a group or family our 7 seats are full, saves taking 2 vehicles, When we take the school trip most of the kids in the street come in ours and fill it up, saves 4 cars being on the road. Makes me think of the "empty vessels making most noise" oh and for the green people, landys etc last longer, are in bolt on part format and are friendlier to the environment as they get scrapped less often.

You have to do something pretty horrific to put a landy in the scrap yard, unlike most of the tin cans out there and i know what my kids are safest in,I WOULD RATHER HAVE 4 INCH STEEL FRAMES OVER SOFT CRUMPLE ZONES ANY DAY. Have you seen what a big van does to a "toy car" on the motorway?

I'll not be getting rid of mine any time soon anyway
My view is that we tend to drive slower, can see over the other traffic and thus have better road awareness, can spot problems sooner and are by far easier to spot coming. If you look at accident statistics 4x4 vehicles are well down on the list and the boy racers are way up. Not many teenagers thrash round doing hand brake turns in 4x4's as they tend to go inverted if you push them like that due to the centre of gravity, oh and SAABs do loess mpg than a Range Rover too.
When we go out out as a group or family our 7 seats are full, saves taking 2 vehicles, When we take the school trip most of the kids in the street come in ours and fill it up, saves 4 cars being on the road. These uninformed people remind me of the saying "empty vessels making most noise", oh and for the green people, landys etc last longer, are in bolt on part format made from "ally" WHICH CORODES DIFFERENTLY, and are friendlier to the environment as they get scrapped less often.

You have to do something pretty horrific to put a landy in the scrap yard, unlike most of the tin cans out there and I know what my kids are safest in. I WOULD RATHER HAVE 4 INCH STEEL FRAMES OVER SOFT CRUMPLE ZONES ANY DAY. Have you seen what a big van does to a "toy car" on the motorway? I had a datsun drive into the back of mine afew years back, impaled itself on the tow bar and went away on a "terminal trailer", The landy just needed a new plastic cap for the tow ball, thus keeping the costs to the insurance company down.........

I'll not be getting rid of mine any time soon anyway
My two penn'orth:
Point one - We all use this site because of a love of Landy products. I shouldn't think many here are the people who buy a 4X4 then carry nothing more than the kids and some credit cards around with them (I do however have a friend who recently bought a Range Rover fitted it with ultra low profile, ultra expensive alloys then managed to total two of them when those two wheels momentarily, inadvertently went off road onto a soft verge - no kerb involved - whilst travelling through the new forest AT LOW SPEED - of course I didn't laugh............much)
Point two - Landies have nothing to do with hunting or the coutryside alliance so let's get that straight before we allienate anyone from two utterly diverse causes.
Point three - I think the most important thing that's almost always missed in eco' arguments & has only had one mention in this thread in the previous post is:
Take the time a Beemer, Merc' or for that matter a Micra or even Smart fart car is going to be around before being scrapped
Then add up how many early series or even late series landies (mines an 84' III & will probably outlive me) are still going strong.
Then calculate the pollution and resources involved in first building a car, any car (raw materials, steel, aluminium, plastic, rubber, factory electricity, oil for the ship importing it or it's parts, fuel used in getting it's parts or ancillaries from factory to where it's assembled, cost of repairing the roads once the huge lorry carrying the parts has passed along it, etc, etc, etc, etc.........this list is almost endless)
Then add the energy expended relatively shortly afterwards scrapping or dismantling it's rotting carcass (but more often than not it's just left to turn to worthless polluting rust).
Balance that against a well built 4X4 which is almost infinitely rebuildable (Chav 4's and the like DON'T count - just Landies, oh and Toyota trucks, they carry rebel fighters around FOREVER)
Finally multiply the energy used in creating then destroying the number of vehicles a person will get through whilst many of us are still driving the same Landy and if we're not, chances are SOMEONE'S still driving it.
= Eco freindly.
OK, the equation isn't perfect, but you get my point? You can't just look at emissions or fuel consumption of the vehicle itself, it has to go much deeper to assess the real impact on the environment.
Two penn'orth spent & spleen vented!
what the worst thing is is the fact that some posh and rich gits take their kids to school in the latest bmw X5 and are scared to park on the verge let alone go offroad. what also anoys me is the fact that i work at the ypc (yorkshire paintball centre) and you need a 4x4 to put the equipment in and transport it up and around the site safley.
p.s. does this also include the fiat panda! and the sierra XR4x4i and tractors?
plus how would you tow the boy racers out of ditches without a 4x4?!!
I was thinking about this one, and i'm not convinced they can really ban 4x4s per se, for several reasons.

I am a biker (BMW R1200GS) and arguably you can use similar arguments on bikers, and in addition bikers have the highest casualty toll on the roads of all transport types, yet they are not banned, and are unlikely too, even though scraping bikers off the road costs the NHS/Police etc... time and money.

The definition of a 4x4 is vague, you risk isolating 4wd sports cars, even the 4wd Fiat Panda.

What i find a bizzare irony is that a giant 2.8 Litre Chrysler Voyager is acceptable urban transport to eco facists yet a Disco isn't? As said before the BM 5 and 7 series are bigger than the D3, and more polluting and the E and S class is opulence on wheels

The point about pollution is well covered, but also you could argue is a Porsche or other sports car really suitable urban transport? a 150+mph supercar for use in areas predominantly with 30mph limits?

4x4s trawling the streets mowing people down etc? (an emotional and baseless agrument if ever there was one) the average speed in London is what 8mph? even a swarm of flies would come off unharmed!

Safety, the new BMW 3 series only got 1 star on Euro Ncap for pedestrian safety, given that BMW drivers are on the whole arrogant, aggressive etc... why not ban this make of car too?

People buy them to show off! So what people buy a brand of clothes or trainers to show off, are you going to ban those as well?

It all comes down to driving standards, or the distinct lack thereof, in fact its a general failure in social responsibility, the classic case is the quote of being preferred to be knocked down by a Micra than a Discovery one supposedly has a better chance of survival (but both have an equal risk of being sued by said idiot). Me i'd choose neither, i would choose not to be stupid enough to be hit by any vehicle, by exercising my eyes, ears and brain and not stepping out in front of a heavy metal moving object! Social responsibility means accepting your own fault in a given situation.

The gene pool needs some bleach I think.

The methods of the eco facists mark a disturbing resembelance to the techniques used by Hitler in the 30s. He manipulated a great populous into believing the Jews were responsible for the failings of the German economy and set about a campaign of blaming the ills of society on one small, specific and easily identifiable group.
Ok it's strawberrys and walnuts, but 4x4s are being blamed for world ills that are not of their doing, how long before we have a Kristallnacht where Greenpeace eco twerps go round smashing in windows of 4x4s becuase they delusionally believe they are doing the bidding of the majority of the population?

LR have produced their own answer to the eco-facists and covers what we all say, and now to be true. Designed for Purpose not pretence http://www.landrover.com/assets/gb/en/Company/Sustainability/Designed_for_Purpose.pdf

Society is rotting to the core thanks to wolly minded values, there is no respect, and no social responsibility.

People kill people, not cars

(but i think this whole global warming thing is a farce, suddenly we are planetry experts and climatologists after collating a few decades of data?)Has no one thought to look at the bigger picture? There is another theory about global darkening, where we are getting less light due to increased cloud cover? Meterology 101; less sunlight = lower temperatures = less global warming?
Nature is a very powerful force, it can counteract our actions in the same way species adapt to on a genetic and physical level to their changing environment, so who knows what effect a dramatic drop in CO2 emissions will have? we could do more harm than good. How do we know the seemingly sudden drop in CFC pollution isn't the cause of todays heatwaves and floods and hurricanes?
We haven't even scratched the surface!
There is a similar movement gaining momentum downunder. Also a tree hugging government who will bendover backwards for a single vote.
would that include dogging hunts with landrovers, hunting dogs with landrovers or even hunting landrovers with dogs? what about hunting greenies with landrovers and dogs??

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