
New Member
Did anyone hear anything about the people lobbying to get 4x4's off the roads? I think they might have a stuggle on their hands.
In the countryside they are telling us to stay on the roads, in the citys they want us off the road. Why are we so disliked? Are we that bad?
we seem to be seen as a big eyesore i think, and also big polluters, i bet Gordon Browns 4 and a half litre jags polute more than mine does.
Yep, seems it wasn't only about the school run brigade. Do they think the 4 x 4 drivers dropping their kids off won't be driving anything if the 4x4 is taken away. I bet they would be replaced with BMWs. I also read somewhere that the Mini cooper had a worse Combined MPG than a V8 Landrover?
Remember hunting my friend, don't be complacent, these people may be sad but they are persistent and we have a wimpish government full of tree huggers.
Never mind I will carry on following the hunt on four wheels and foot, in al and rover of course
regards Tim Gear
Roy said:
In the countryside they are telling us to stay on the roads, in the citys they want us off the road. Why are we so disliked? Are we that bad?

Yep Roy we sure are wicked
accywingy said:
we seem to be seen as a big eyesore i think, and also big polluters, i bet Gordon Browns 4 and a half litre jags polute more than mine does.

Don't forget Prescott he has got 2 ,jags that is!

regards Tim
I sent the following email to the anti 4x4 lot, for all the good it will do but what the hell.

"check the facts before you blame 4x4 owners for all your ills. Bad parking at schools is the cause for congestion, usually in expensive BMw's or Mercedes parked with no consideration and usually ilegally.

4x4's are not as polluting as you say, comparative studies show many cars are far more damaging, such as BMW's again and Rolls Royce are by far the worst offenders. And what about congestion? That is a major cause of increased pollution, longer cars cause more congestion, should we ban Jags and Rover 75's?

Many 4x4 cars out perform many family saloons in safety tests for pedestrian impacts, safety would seam to be an issue more about drivers than vehicle choice I'm afraid. More education on safety would be better served than a pointless and prejudiced attack on people just trying to choose a car that suits their needs.

I note with interest that you quote Ken Livingston on your page, we're supposed to take that seriously?

Jeremy Clarkson owns a 4x4 by the way, along with many gas guzzling sports cars and I believe a jet fighter thats "just for show"

It is almost impossible to speed in a 4x4, the design makes it uncomfortable and also not wise. Every 4x4 driver I know is incredibly worried about road safety and the most considerate drivers on the road. I have encountered the most amazing and astounding responses from other road users, normal sedan or saloon drivers who deliberately block my path when I have right of way and then hurl abuse at me because i drive a 4x4. For some reason they have elected to act like I am a criminal, despite the fact that they are breaking the highway code and not me.

Get your facts straight, look in the mirror and get a life, please.

Simon Fisher, considerate and responsible 4x4 driver. i actually help my neighbours and look out for people. Do you?"
Call me old fashioned, but I strongly believe that 4x4s belong in the countryside, and city dwellers should stick to people carriers and new minis.

As much as I love the mountainous terrain of my native North Wales, I love off roading. It does nag my conscience a little when I sit at the top of a mountain, looking down at the two fat tyre marks that I have left on the lanscape. But I love off roading so much!! In my opinion, certified 4x4 tracks should be opened up for me and my kind.

One trick I did try once was to allow my border collie to run after my Landy whilst ascending Drum (a mountain). The Police helicopter passed over once, circled a bit, then left me alone. If they think you are a farmer attending his flock, they'll leave you alone.

By the way, what is the legal status of off roading nowadays?

If a ban was imposed on poser 4x4s, you know the type, the BMW, Volvo, and even Prosche, from the school run, I'd support it!
Well i wish we all lived in the back and beyond and had moutains to climb it sounds like great fun,unfortunately i do live in a big town and i own a landrover,dont consider myself to be a yuppie or posser,but i do have to take the children to school as i cant afford 2 cars have to use the landrover,as you dont do the school run so it seems you have to consider this,are people frightened of 4x4 because of the size,because the people who have micras cant park they abandon there cars,i have a landrover because its great at towing i have 3 children who fit in with bags of toys,i go off road shooting and on farms a great driving position and i dont hog the road like a lot of people.just consider what you might vote for as you could see your road tax rise to £1000. a year, isit not peoples choice to drive what car they want or do you want the goverment to take that choice away from you as well,i had my 1st range rover 14 yrs ago and then my insurance was only £65.00 fully comp 2 years later it went up to £400. due to the rich and shameless buying them,i have a 300 tdi and i pay enough tax and insurance as it is without a landy owner signing up to ban 4x4s on the school run.
Before you tar all non-hunters with the same brush, I'd like to point out that a) some people (ie me!) live in the countryside and dislike hunting. Despite this, I have no problem with 4x4s. In fact, I love them. When used responsibly (and here's the problem!) there is simply no case against them at all.

The problem is the ones who go tearing around on green lanes giving off-roaders a bad press driving like they are on a rally rather than taking their time. Add to this the way some 4x4 owners seem to enjoy the intimidation offered by two tons of heavy machinery and you can see why people don't like them!

I'm probably on dangerous ground here as I imagine a great many of you are into hunting/shooting. When I say I disagree with it, that's as far as it goes. You won't find me videoing hunts or anything!
Sorry, no intention to offend. It does sound like you do need a 4x4, with your towing and shooting. Whet gets on my wick is these posers who buy Rangies and Discos with no intention of towing, or off roading. You know the type. Take David Beckham for instance. He owns a Range Rover, but I strongly doubt that he will ever take it off road, and I can't imagine him hitching up an Ifor Williams to clear out his back garden. These people buy them just to say "look at me, I can afford a new, shiny Range Rover, I'm better than you, I'm so posh..." The Porsche and BMW 4x4s are a prime example of this. Who the hell is going to take a Porsche off roading?

There are 4x4s and there are off roaders. Then there are Land Rovers - proper Land rovers. My doctor for instance, has just bought a brand new Defender. He could easily have afforded a Rangie, but does not want to look like a poser. He wants it to help farmers who injure themselves in fields, or aid with mountain rescue. An over equipped, look-at-me, tinted windowed, electronic hulk of a Rangie is simply not needed.

Don't get me wrong, I have no doubts about the new Rangie's off roading abilities. I do actually like the new Disco as a vehicle. But in practical terms, they are not in the same league as the Defenders. You can pick up a brand new Defender for £16ish from Conwy Land Rover. It will do everything it says on the tin, and then some. It is the real thing.

Why bother spending £si:lly on an over equipped, off roader derrived tank, designed to make ponces feel like princes as they cruise up and down motorways? The term "soft roader" applies to these vehicles, despite the Land Rover derrived variety being very good off roaders.

You may notice that I have not mentioned the Freelander yet. Well, I catually think that the Freelander is an honest and sensible 4x4. It is not bigger than it needs to be, it is practical, and good looking. It is low enough for access, yet high enough to cope with gravel tracks, or kerbs. It is what an urban 4x4 should be. Freelanders may not be the best off roaders in the world (feel free to start a new thread to debate this), but they hit the spot as far as urban 4x4s are in the question. I respect Freelander drivers because they have resisted the temptation of buying Chelsey Tractors, and have bought much more practical alternative.

I'll end my message by saying this; I enjoy off roading in my series 2a, and try to stick to tracks already dug up by other Landies. I am prout to say, that despite my rural upbringing, I can not stand hunting with dogs, and I think that those who derrive a sick pleasure from watching an animal being chewed to death, need professional help! If they abandoned their twisted hobby, and used their Land Rovers for green laning and off roading, I would respect them a lot more.
Hi i understand were you are coming from i do a lot of target shooting and clay pigeon shooting i dont really agree with blood sports but im sure there is a need to control certain pests of the countryside and yes i now what you mean with regards posers who buy 4x4 as a pose as they can afford it and wont worry about running costs or repairs as there cars are new,its always people like myself a common person who has to suffer due to inconsiderate people, well off my soap box now.
timgear said:
Remember hunting my friend, don't be complacent, these people may be sad but they are persistent and we have a wimpish government full of tree huggers.
Never mind I will carry on following the hunt on four wheels and foot, in al and rover of course
regards Tim Gear
This is the thing- the govt does not care about the countryside/environment. There all very happy to build millions of houses and extra runways for jumbo jets but suddenly they say driving a 4x4 is wrong. All these Jag/Merc/BMW etc saloons and sports cars pollute as much and take up more road space so why arent they targeted?

All these hippies cant see the bigger picture and bliar sees it as a way of getting more taxes. rant over
Hi Guys (and any girls).
I drive and urban 4x4 and the missus has a Disco 3.
We tow, have a few kids and a caravan and need something that can pull 1/2 ton up a steep sandy/shingle beach.
After the embarrasment of of getting stuck in my Tribby, we now have a Disco.
But we do get a bit of stick.
If anyone has some valid points that I can add to my pro 4x4 web site please mail me.
By the way, man has been hunting for all of time, just because methods have changed it shouldn't be stopped.
Hi All,

I have a Freelander, (aprox weight 2 tons) my mate has a BMW (old 7 series, weight 3 tons) I get approx 32 to the gallon he is lucky if he gets 20 mpg. My car is nearly 1 third shorter than his, I have a child, second on way and drop my wife and daughter off on way to work (less pollution as only one vehicle used, less congestion too) I use my car for work as I am an architect and often am the only one who can get on site during the early stages of a project. I rarely have an empty car and he is often driving long distances with little more than a note pad in his mamouth car. I often drive off road as I have relatives in the country and I enjoy camping, espeially in Wales.

Even he admits that his car is wasteful, too dam big and polutes like crazy. Yes he wants to sell it and guess what, he wants a 4x4, probably a Rav 4.

Am I missing something or is the world just crazy?

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